Shopping in Japan is an integral part of modern-day life, with megastores, malls, arcades, supermarkets and even humble 7-Elevens (a Japanese innovation) woven into everyday life. It’s as though Japan took the once-new idea of shopping malls and ran with it.

When most people contemplate shopping in Japan, it’s natural to think first of high-tech electronic goods, but excellent textiles can be found, as well as a plethora of handicrafts, dolls, glassware and  cutting-edge youngsters’ fashion items and accessories. Not to be forgotten are the quirky 100-Yen shops, selling just about everything for the same price.

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Helstu sögur og fleira skemmtilegt

Japan - hvar er gott að gista?

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Asia - einnig vinsælt á svæðinu

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