Puerto Vallarta, a low-key fishing village turned resort town, attracts thousands of people per year with tropical temperatures, warm water, and white sand along the Pacific coast. Given the number of resorts in South Hotel Zone alone, it’s no surprise that half of the city’s economy comes from tourism and half of those employed in Puerto Vallarta work in the industry.

Enjoy fantastic customer service whether you’re dining at a restaurant or buying an engagement ring in the Romantic Zone. Watch the sunset from a beachside restaurant as you tuck into some grilled red snapper, Puerto Vallarta’s specialty.

Hvað á að skoða og gera í/á Puerto Vallarta

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Hvar og hvað á að borða í/á Puerto Vallarta

  • 10 Great Restaurants in Puerto Vallarta

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Hvar á að versla og hvað á að kaupa í/á Puerto Vallarta

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