Vermont is a northeastern U.S. state famed for its deeply forested landscape and its 100-plus covered wooden bridges that date to the 19th century and earlier. Vermont is also a primary producer of maple syrup. The state offers thousands of hectares of mountainous hiking trails and ski slopes. Some of the more popular mountain resorts for skiing in the winter and year-round outdoor adventures include Smugglers’ Notch Resort, Killington Resort, Sugarbush Resort, Stowe Mountain Resort and Okemo Mountain Resort.

Many farm experiences can be had here as well, including at Shelburne Farms and Billings Farm & Museum. For science and education, museums abound. Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium offers hands-on space and science exhibits, while the Montshire Museum of Science offers interactive natural history and science exhibits. For family fun, take a tour of the original Ben & Jerry’s ice cream shop, race down water slides at the Pump House Indoor Waterpark or go shopping at the Church Street Marketplace.

Hvað á að skoða og gera í/á Vermont

Helstu sögur og fleira skemmtilegt

Vermont - hvar er gott að gista?

Byrjaðu að skipuleggja ferðina þína

United States of America - einnig vinsælt á svæðinu

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United States of America

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