Suburban Studios Abercorn

2.0 stjörnu gististaður
Hótel í úthverfi í Windsor-skógur

Veldu dagsetningar til að sjá verð

sýndir mánuðir eru February 2025 og March 2025.
febrúar 2025
mars 2025

Myndasafn fyrir Suburban Studios Abercorn

Fyrir utan
Herbergi - 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm með svefnsófa - reyklaust (Efficiency) | Straujárn/strauborð, ókeypis þráðlaus nettenging, rúmföt
Straujárn/strauborð, ókeypis þráðlaus nettenging, rúmföt


5,4 af 10

Vinsæl aðstaða

  • Gæludýravænt
  • Þvottahús
  • Loftkæling
  • Ókeypis bílastæði
  • Ókeypis WiFi
  • Öryggishólf í móttöku
  • Þvottaaðstaða
  • Móttaka opin á tilteknum tímum
Vertu eins og heima hjá þér
  • Börn dvelja ókeypis
  • Eldhúskrókur
  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Úrvalssjónvarpsstöðvar
  • Þvottaaðstaða
  • Kaffivél/teketill


Síur í boði fyrir herbergi
Sýni 7 af 7 herbergjum

Herbergi - 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm með svefnsófa - gott aðgengi - reykherbergi (Efficiency)


Baðker með sturtu
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm og 1 svefnsófi (einbreiður)

Herbergi fyrir tvo, tvö rúm - 2 einbreið rúm - reykherbergi


Baðker með sturtu
  • 20 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 2 einbreið rúm

Herbergi fyrir tvo, tvö rúm - 2 einbreið rúm - reyklaust


Baðker með sturtu
  • 20 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 2 einbreið rúm

Standard-herbergi - 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm - reyklaust


Baðker með sturtu
  • 20 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm

Herbergi - 1 tvíbreitt rúm - gott aðgengi - reykherbergi (Efficiency)

  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm

Herbergi - 1 tvíbreitt rúm - gott aðgengi - reyklaust (Efficiency)

  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm

Herbergi - 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm með svefnsófa - reyklaust (Efficiency)


Baðker með sturtu
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm og 1 svefnsófi (einbreiður)

Svipaðir gististaðir

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Skráðu þig inn til að sjá gjaldgenga afslætti og ávinninga. Meiri ávinningur fyrir meiri ævintýri!

Um hverfið

10614 Abercorn Extension, Savannah, GA, 31419

Hvað er í nágrenninu?

  • Abercorn Common verslunarmiðstöðin - 2 mín. akstur
  • St. Joseph's Hospital (sjúkrahús) - 3 mín. akstur
  • Oglethorpe-verslunarmiðstöðin - 4 mín. akstur
  • Hunter herflugvöllurinn - 4 mín. akstur
  • Savannah Mall (verslunarmiðstöð) - 4 mín. akstur


  • Savannah – Hilton Head alþjóðaflugvöllurinn (SAV) - 26 mín. akstur
  • Hilton Head Island, SC (HHH) - 66 mín. akstur
  • Amtrak-lestarstöðin í Savannah - 20 mín. akstur
  • Savannah lestarstöðin - 21 mín. akstur


  • ‪Chick-fil-A - ‬13 mín. ganga
  • ‪Wendy's - ‬8 mín. ganga
  • ‪Culver's - ‬3 mín. akstur
  • ‪Sonic Drive-In - ‬4 mín. akstur
  • ‪Texas Roadhouse - ‬3 mín. akstur

Um þennan gististað

Suburban Studios Abercorn

Suburban Studios Abercorn státar af toppstaðsetningu, því Hunter herflugvöllurinn og Ríkisháskóli Savannah eru í einungis 10 mínútna akstursfjarlægð. Þú færð ýmsa þjónustu ókeypis á staðnum, en þar á meðal eru þráðlaust net og sjálfsafgreiðslubílastæði. Þar að auki eru Lista- og hönnunarháskóli Savannah og River Street í nokkurra mínútna akstursfjarlægð.



Stærð hótels

    • 127 herbergi
    • Er á meira en 3 hæðum


    • Innritun hefst: kl. 16:00. Innritun lýkur: kl. 23:00
    • Útritunartími er á hádegi

Sérstakar innritunarleiðbeiningar

    • Móttakan er opin daglega frá kl. 07:00 til kl. 23:00
    • Gestir verða að hafa samband við gististaðinn með fyrirvara til að fá innritunarleiðbeiningar; starfsfólk er í afgreiðslu á takmörkuðum tímum
    • Hafðu samband við gististaðinn fyrirfram til að gera ráðstafanir varðandi innritun og notaðu til þess upplýsingarnar á bókunarstaðfestingingunni.
    • Ef þú ætlar að mæta á staðinn eftir kl. 23:00 skaltu hafa samband við gististaðinn með tengiliðaupplýsingunum sem birtar eru í bókunarstaðfestingunni.

Krafist við innritun

    • Kreditkort, debetkort eða innborgun með reiðufé er nauðsynleg fyrir tilfallandi gjöld
    • Sýna gæti þurft skilríki með mynd, útgefin af yfirvöldum


    • Ekkert aukagjald er innheimt fyrir börn (18 ára og yngri) sem deila herbergi með foreldrum eða forráðamönnum og nota þau rúm og rúmföt sem fyrir eru.
    • Engar vöggur (ungbarnarúm)


    • Gæludýr leyfð (2 samtals, allt að 11 kg á gæludýr)*
    • Þjónustudýr velkomin


    • Ókeypis þráðlaust internet í almennum rýmum
    • Ókeypis þráðlaust internet á herbergjum


    • Ókeypis sjálfsafgreiðslubílastæði á staðnum
    • Bílastæði aðgengileg hjólastólum á svæðinu

Aðrar upplýsingar

    • Afmörkuð reykingasvæði

Aðstaða/þjónusta gististaðar

Ferðast með börn

  • Börn dvelja ókeypis (sjá nánari upplýsingar)


  • Móttaka opin á tilteknum tímum
  • Þvottaaðstaða


  • 2 byggingar/turnar
  • Öryggishólf í móttöku


  • Lyfta
  • Bílastæði með hjólastólaaðgengi

Aðstaða á herbergi

Afþreying við höndina

  • Úrvals kapalrásir


  • Sjálfvirk hitastýring
  • Kaffivél/teketill
  • Straujárn/strauborð

Sofðu rótt

  • Rúmföt í boði

Fyrir útlitið

  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Baðker með sturtu
  • Ókeypis snyrtivörur
  • Hárblásari
  • Handklæði

Vertu í sambandi

  • Ókeypis þráðlaust net
  • Ókeypis innanbæjarsímtöl

Matur og drykkur

  • Ísskápur
  • Örbylgjuofn
  • Eldhúskrókur
  • Eldavélarhellur
  • Eldhúsáhöld/diskar/hnífapör


  • Aðgangur um gang utandyra

Gjöld og reglur


  • Þjónustudýr eru undanskilin frá gjöldum
  • Gæludýr eru leyfð gegn aukagjaldi, USD 25.00 fyrir hvert gistirými, á nótt (hámark USD 75.00 fyrir hverja dvöl)


Þessi gististaður er undir stjórn atvinnugestgjafa. Að bjóða upp á gistingu er hluti af starfi hans, rekstri og aðalfagi.
Þessi gististaður tekur við kreditkortum. Ekki er tekið við reiðufé.
Gististaðurinn staðfestir að hann starfi samkvæmt þrifa- og sótthreinsunarleiðbeiningum sem gefnar eru út af: Commitment to Clean (Choice).
Athugið að samfélagsleg viðmið og reglur fyrir gesti geta verið mismunandi milli landa og gististaða. Reglurnar sem eru birtar koma frá gististaðnum.

Líka þekkt sem

Suburban Extended Stay Abercorn
Suburban Extended Stay Hotel Abercorn
Suburban Extended Stay Abercorn Hotel Savannah
Suburban Extended Stay Savannah
Suburban Extended Stay Abercorn Hotel
Suburban Extended Stay Abercorn Savannah
Savannah Extended Stay
Extended Stay Savannah
Suburban Studios Abercorn Hotel
Suburban Extended Stay Abercorn
Suburban Studios Abercorn Savannah
Suburban Studios Abercorn Hotel Savannah

Algengar spurningar

Býður Suburban Studios Abercorn upp á ókeypis afbókun og fulla endurgreiðslu?

Já, Suburban Studios Abercorn býður upp á herbergi sem eru endurgreiðanleg að fullu sem hægt er að bóka á vefnum okkar. Ef þú hefur bókað herbergi á verði sem er endurgreiðanlegt að fullu getur þú afbókað allt niður í nokkra daga fyrir innritun eins og sagt er fyrir um í skilmálum gististaðarins. Við hvetjum þig til að skoða afbókunarreglur gististaðarins til að sjá nákvæma skilmála og skilyrði.

Leyfir Suburban Studios Abercorn gæludýr?

Já, gæludýr mega dvelja á gististaðnum, að hámarki 2 samtals, og upp að 11 kg að hámarki hvert dýr. Greiða þarf gjald að upphæð 25.00 USD fyrir hvert gistirými, á nótt. Þjónustudýr eru undanskilin gjöldum.

Býður Suburban Studios Abercorn upp á bílastæði á staðnum?

Já, boðið er upp á ókeypis sjálfsafgreiðslubílastæði.

Hvaða innritunar- og útritunartíma er Suburban Studios Abercorn með?

Innritunartími hefst: kl. 16:00. Innritunartíma lýkur: kl. 23:00. Útritunartími er á hádegi.

Er Suburban Studios Abercorn með herbergi með eldhúsi eða eldhúskróki þar sem maður getur sjálfur séð um matseld?

Já, það er eldhúskrókur í öllum herbergjum, en einnig eru þar eldavélarhellur, ísskápur og örbylgjuofn.

Á hvernig svæði er Suburban Studios Abercorn?

Suburban Studios Abercorn er í hverfinu Windsor-skógur, í einungis 15 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá AMF Savannah Lanes.

Suburban Studios Abercorn - umsagnir






Starfsfólk og þjónusta




Ástand gististaðar og aðstöðu


8/10 Mjög gott

3 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

4/10 Sæmilegt

Lot of noise threw out the night teenagers running down the hallway cursing. They dont tell u online its a $25 deposit on top of your room fees. It took 3 days for i got my refund back on my card. I would never book here again.
Meko, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

6/10 Gott

A rough 3 day stay
They charged $25 deposit fee, never mentioned on It takes 3 days to get it back. The checkout was at 12, they opened my door at 11 am. They gave me one bath towel for 3 night stay. It was 38 degrees outside so I turned the window ac to 70 and the unit was smoking so the fire alarm went off. The blankets are light weight, I had to wear my clothes to stay warm. The window unit couldn’t be fixed till am and there was no other rooms available. The bathroom sink had a crack in it, I took a picture and showed the front desk. He said Im sorry. I said do not take my security deposit. They do not have assigned parking so I had to park 12 spaces from my room. It was one thing after another.
3 nætur/nátta viðskiptaferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

4/10 Sæmilegt

It was a bad deal through Expedia mystery hotel bad quality of room no housekeeping ever came to the room saw a spider in the room didn't bring any towels
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

You couldn't pay me to stay here.
The room was the worst hotel room I have ever seen, bugs crawling out of the drain when opened shower curtain, walls were filthy, it was a disaster, we had pre-paid, but we left...
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

4/10 Sæmilegt

OK location, tiny room, nice staff
My experience was just OK. I love Savannah, so after staying here a week, I checked into a better hotel, for just a little more money. I was by myself, and I felt very crowded in this small room. The room smelt from previous smokers, in my non-smoking room. I was worried about having made the reservation using expedia's mystery deal. I will never use this mystery deal again. I was not able to read the awful reviews before booking. I never saw any bugs in my room, and I was looking. The room was way too dark for me. The microwave is way too high for a short adult. I never used the laundry, but it was busy. Towels were scratchy, so I used my own travel bath towel. Tiny amount of space in bathroom for your toothpaste, sunscreen, etc...very bad for any female.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

6/10 Gott

Reasonable Price
The room is inexpensive, so expect accordingly. Good place to stay for visiting Savannah. Positives: The room was clean, good bed. The kitchenette had minimum but essential dishes and utensils. Wifi was excellent. Staff was very helpful (VERY!) Negatives: The fridge was small, with some parts broken. Furnishings (chairs, walls) were worn and stained. Could do with re-painting. The first night our neighbours had the TV on very loud all night (we finally called the manager at 3am, who helped out). We requested a different room for the rest of our stay, and decided to leave one-day early.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af CheapTickets

4/10 Sæmilegt

Dirty, bed was broken, stove didn't work, foreign small hairs all over shower curtain and bathroom floor.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Orbitz

4/10 Sæmilegt

Never again
One thing I did like about this room was the soft bed and linens. The motel was easy to locate. Big spot of who knows what on the chair. The rooms are way too dark. Burn holes in the curtains, bedspread. Non smoking room smelled smokey.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

6/10 Gott

Decent cheap place to stay
Weekend stay so I wasn't looking for anything fancy, and this hotel served my needs. The room had a weird smell to it but otherwise about what I expected for the price.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

4/10 Sæmilegt

Not clean enough.
It was pretty gross, actually. I read some of the other reviews saying it was dirty, and I usually assume people complain too much. It was pretty dirty. The blanket was like plastic. I didn't want to touch it. And we had a cockroach come hang out with us on the table. Never mind the fact that there were so many skeezy dudes hanging around outside looking at us like they'd never seen women before. I won't stay here again.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

2/10 Slæmt

stained furniture, musty, smoke smells
I think I may have hit a new low. I have low requirements when all I want to do is crash before a road race, but this place was totally unappealing. The two table chairs and another chair looked like animals had been relieving themselves on them. I was not sure if the fabric was even dry and would not touch them. Towels seemed a little greasy. Room had a musty, smoky odor. The clerk did call to ask if I was OK and I did not want to get into any discussion as I had to get up at 4:30 for the marathon.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Travelocity

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Very nice
I would recommend. They were great when my room key didnt work took a matter of seconds and i was back in my room.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

6/10 Gott

Full kitchen
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

2/10 Slæmt

Sannreynd umsögn gests af

4/10 Sæmilegt

Had a few Bugs
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

2/10 Slæmt

Avoid This Place
This is probably the second worst hotel I have ever been to in my life. It is not safe. The door had previously been broken into. We put a chair in front of it so that we wouldn't die. The room was a smoking room and stank. We sprayed a can of Lysol, but it didn't make a dent. The room is much smaller than it looks in the pictures. Everything is dirty. A guy hung out in front of our door. We left after 30 minutes even though we had to pay for the night. The pillows and blankets we brought into the room still smell. I do want to say that the front desk clerks were nice though and the experience at the front desk was good. But do yourself a favor and go somewhere else.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

2/10 Slæmt

Not the right place for me
I take short road trips a lot and as a budget traveler, I find cheaper places to stay at. I have stayed at many budget hotels and hostels before all over the country but this was the most disappointing stay ever. Positive things first: It looked nice from the outside and the staff was very pleasant and were kind enough to put me in a non-smoking room even though I accidentally booked a smoking one. They even followed up to check if the room was ok for me and provided me with fresh set of towel when I asked for them. Not so positive things: I walked into the room and the smell was a bit disturbing but hey, its a budget hotel and I don't expect it to be a fancy spot. On a closer look, it was filthy! the surfaces were horrendous and the sheets and towels were dreadful! When I had the follow up call from front desk, I told them the room was filthy and I was told the cleaning staff left and it can only be cleaned the next day, which btw, didn't happen. I cleaned the surfaces and didn't unpack my suitcase as I didn't want my clothes smelling like pee in the dresser. I walked over and asked for fresh set of towel as the ones in my room were visibly dirty! They did accommodate the request. Luckily I had a beach towel and a blanket in my car that I used to lay on the bed and cover myself with. I understand you get what you paid for but this is terrible! I don't expect anything fancy from a budget hotel but cleanliness is a must! This is my very first disappointment in a hotel stay!
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

Do Not Recommend
The room appeared to be clean but there was a terrible urine odor. This is a pet friendly hotel so apparently animals had urinated in the room. Did everything I could to try and get rid of the smell with no luck. Had to finally check out early since the odor was bothering me so badly.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Orbitz

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Great stay for the price
Staff was friendly and room was great for an extended stay
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Orbitz

2/10 Slæmt

Don't stay there even if it's free.
I spent the night in my car. The bedbugs, mold, stained carpet, broken fixtures and smell drove me to sleep in the car. I wouldn't stay there if they paid me. The name extended stay fooled me, it's extended hell. A refund is not enough to erase this memory.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

stay for home renew
it had a great little kitchen close to stores resturants as well.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Orbitz

4/10 Sæmilegt

It was ok
The location has a lot convenience shopping, just awesome.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Orbitz

2/10 Slæmt

The walls, doors, showers were filthy. The pillows and mattress were uncomfortable. Never again!
Sannreynd umsögn gests af