Mint Luxury Rooms

4.0 stjörnu gististaður
Gistiheimili í miðborginni, Diocletian-höllin er rétt hjá

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Myndasafn fyrir Mint Luxury Rooms

Deluxe-stúdíósvíta | Rúmföt af bestu gerð, öryggishólf í herbergi, skrifborð
Deluxe-stúdíósvíta | Rúmföt af bestu gerð, öryggishólf í herbergi, skrifborð
Deluxe-stúdíósvíta | Einkaeldhús | Ísskápur, örbylgjuofn, uppþvottavél, handþurrkur
Deluxe-stúdíósvíta | Einkaeldhús | Ísskápur, örbylgjuofn, uppþvottavél, handþurrkur
Deluxe-stúdíósvíta | Einkaeldhús | Ísskápur, örbylgjuofn, uppþvottavél, handþurrkur
Mint Luxury Rooms státar af toppstaðsetningu, því Diocletian-höllin og Split Riva eru í einungis 5 mínútna göngufjarlægð. Þráðlaust net og nettenging með snúru eru meðal þess sem gestir fá ókeypis. Þessu til viðbótar má nefna að Split-höfnin og Bacvice-ströndin eru í innan við 15 mínútna göngufjarlægð. Meðal þess sem ferðamenn sem hafa heimsótt staðinn eru sérstaklega ánægðir með eru hjálpsamt starfsfólk og góð staðsetning.


9,4 af 10

Vinsæl aðstaða

  • Ferðir til og frá flugvelli
  • Loftkæling
  • Reyklaust
  • Ókeypis WiFi

Meginaðstaða (2)

  • Flugvallarskutla
  • Loftkæling

Vertu eins og heima hjá þér (6)

  • Örbylgjuofn
  • Sjónvarp
  • Myrkratjöld/-gardínur
  • Rúmföt af bestu gerð
  • Hljóðeinangruð herbergi
  • Ókeypis snyrtivörur




  • 35 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm

Deluxe-herbergi með tvíbreiðu rúmi


  • 20 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm

Svipaðir gististaðir

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Skráðu þig inn til að sjá gjaldgenga afslætti og ávinninga. Meiri ávinningur fyrir meiri ævintýri!

Um hverfið

7 Bajamontijeva ul., Split, Splitsko-dalmatinska županija, 21000

Hvað er í nágrenninu?

  • Diocletian-höllin - 1 mín. ganga - 0.2 km
  • Dómkirkja Dómníusar helga - 2 mín. ganga - 0.2 km
  • Split Riva - 3 mín. ganga - 0.3 km
  • Þjóðleikhús Króatíu - 5 mín. ganga - 0.5 km
  • Split-höfnin - 12 mín. ganga - 1.0 km


  • Split (SPU) - 34 mín. akstur
  • Brac-eyja (BWK) - 100 mín. akstur
  • Split Station - 8 mín. ganga
  • Split lestarstöðin - 27 mín. ganga
  • Kaštel Stari Station - 30 mín. akstur
  • Flugvallarskutla (aukagjald)


  • ‪Kavana Central - ‬1 mín. ganga
  • ‪Zinfandel - ‬1 mín. ganga
  • ‪MISTO street food factory - ‬1 mín. ganga
  • ‪D16 Coffee - ‬1 mín. ganga
  • ‪Villa Spiza - ‬1 mín. ganga

Um þennan gististað

Mint Luxury Rooms

Mint Luxury Rooms státar af toppstaðsetningu, því Diocletian-höllin og Split Riva eru í einungis 5 mínútna göngufjarlægð. Þráðlaust net og nettenging með snúru eru meðal þess sem gestir fá ókeypis. Þessu til viðbótar má nefna að Split-höfnin og Bacvice-ströndin eru í innan við 15 mínútna göngufjarlægð. Meðal þess sem ferðamenn sem hafa heimsótt staðinn eru sérstaklega ánægðir með eru hjálpsamt starfsfólk og góð staðsetning.


Króatíska, enska, ítalska


Stærð hótels

    • 3 herbergi


    • Innritun hefst: kl. 15:00. Innritun lýkur: kl. 23:00
    • Snertilaus innritun í boði
    • Síðbúin innritun háð framboði
    • Lágmarksaldur við innritun - 18
    • Útritunartími er kl. 10:00
    • Snertilaus útritun í boði

Sérstakar innritunarleiðbeiningar

    • Þessi gististaður býður upp á akstur frá flugvelli (aukagjöld kunna að vera innheimt). Gestir verða að hafa samband við gististaðinn fyrir komu og nota til þess þær samskiptaupplýsingar sem fram koma í bókunarstaðfestingunni.
    • Það er ekkert móttökuborð á þessum gististað.
    • Gestir munu fá tölvupóst 72 klst. fyrir komu með innritunarleiðbeiningum; gestgjafinn sér um móttöku
    • Hafðu samband við gististaðinn a.m.k. 72 klst. fyrir komu til að gera ráðstafanir varðandi innritun og notaðu til þess upplýsingarnar á bókunarstaðfestingingunni.
    • Þú munt þurfa að veita gististaðnum afrit af vegabréfi eftir bókun
    • Ef þú ætlar að mæta á staðinn eftir kl. 23:00 skaltu hafa samband við gististaðinn með tengiliðaupplýsingunum sem birtar eru í bókunarstaðfestingunni.

Krafist við innritun

    • Kreditkort, debetkort eða innborgun með reiðufé er nauðsynleg fyrir tilfallandi gjöld
    • Sýna gæti þurft skilríki með mynd, útgefin af yfirvöldum
    • Lágmarksaldur við innritun er 18


    • Engar vöggur (ungbarnarúm)


    • Gæludýr ekki leyfð


    • Ókeypis þráðlaust internet á herbergjum (hraði: 50+ Mbps) og aðgangur að nettengingu um snúru í herbergjum


    • Engin bílastæði á staðnum


    • Flugvallarskutla samkvæmt beiðni (allan sólarhringinn)*

Aðrar upplýsingar

    • Reyklaus gististaður

Aðstaða á herbergi

Afþreying við höndina

  • 100-cm snjallsjónvarp
  • Gervihnattarásir


  • Loftkæling og kynding
  • Straujárn/strauborð

Sofðu rótt

  • Myrkratjöld/-gardínur
  • Hljóðeinangruð herbergi
  • Rúmföt af bestu gerð

Njóttu lífsins

  • Hitað gólf (baðherbergi)

Fyrir útlitið

  • Regnsturtuhaus
  • Sturta eingöngu
  • Ókeypis snyrtivörur
  • Hárblásari
  • Handklæði
  • Salernispappír

Vertu í sambandi

  • Skrifborð
  • Ókeypis þráðlaust net (50+ Mbps gagnahraði) og ókeypis háhraðanettenging með snúru

Matur og drykkur

  • Ísskápur
  • Örbylgjuofn
  • Uppþvottavélar á herbergjum
  • Handþurrkur


  • Öryggishólf á herbergjum
  • Aðgangur með snjalllykli
  • Handbækur/leiðbeiningar
  • Kort af svæðinu

Gjöld og reglur


Þú verður beðin/n að greiða eftirfarandi gjöld á gististaðnum við innritun eða útritun. Gjöld gætu verið með viðeigandi sköttum inniföldum:
  • Umsýslugjald: 2 EUR á mann, á nótt


  • Flugvallarskutla er í boði og kostar aukalega 50 EUR fyrir bifreið (aðra leið, hámarksfarþegafjöldi 0)


Þessi gististaður er undir stjórn atvinnugestgjafa. Að bjóða upp á gistingu er hluti af starfi hans, rekstri og aðalfagi.
Á þessum gististað eru engar lyftur.
Gestir geta sofið rólega því að á staðnum eru kolsýringsskynjari, slökkvitæki, reykskynjari, öryggiskerfi, fyrstuhjálparkassi og utanhússlýsing.
Þessi gististaður býður gesti velkomna óháð kynhneigð og kynvitund (LGBTQ+ boðin velkomin).
Þessi gististaður tekur við reiðufé.
Snertilausar greiðslur eru í boði.

Líka þekkt sem

Mint Luxury Rooms Split
Mint Luxury Rooms Guesthouse
Mint Luxury Rooms Guesthouse Split

Algengar spurningar

Býður Mint Luxury Rooms upp á ókeypis afbókun og fulla endurgreiðslu?

Já, Mint Luxury Rooms býður upp á herbergi sem eru endurgreiðanleg að fullu sem hægt er að bóka á vefnum okkar. Ef þú hefur bókað herbergi á verði sem er endurgreiðanlegt að fullu getur þú afbókað allt niður í nokkra daga fyrir innritun eins og sagt er fyrir um í skilmálum gististaðarins. Við hvetjum þig til að skoða afbókunarreglur gististaðarins til að sjá nákvæma skilmála og skilyrði.

Leyfir Mint Luxury Rooms gæludýr?

Því miður, gæludýr eru ekki leyfð.

Býður Mint Luxury Rooms upp á bílastæði á staðnum?

Því miður býður Mint Luxury Rooms ekki upp á nein bílastæði á staðnum.

Býður Mint Luxury Rooms upp á flugvallarskutluþjónustu?

Já, flugvallarskutla er í boði. Gjaldið er 50 EUR fyrir bifreið aðra leið.

Hvaða innritunar- og útritunartíma er Mint Luxury Rooms með?

Innritunartími hefst: kl. 15:00. Innritunartíma lýkur: kl. 23:00. Útritunartími er kl. 10:00. Snertilaus innritun og útritun er í boði.

Er Mint Luxury Rooms með spilavíti á staðnum?

Nei. Þetta gistiheimili er ekki með spilavíti, en Platínu spilavítið (17 mín. ganga) er í nágrenninu.

Á hvernig svæði er Mint Luxury Rooms?

Mint Luxury Rooms er í hverfinu Gamli bærinn í Split, í einungis 8 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá Split Station og 12 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá Split-höfnin. Ferðamenn segja að staðsetning þessa gistiheimilis fái toppeinkunn.

Mint Luxury Rooms - umsagnir







Starfsfólk og þjónusta




Ástand gististaðar og aðstöðu




10/10 Stórkostlegt

Awesome location, walking distance to the farmers market, bakeries, shops and restaurants. 2 min walk to the beautiful Riva. Just beautiful overall, would highly recommend! We hope to stay here again next year.
Maja, 16 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Mohammed, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

The apartment was in excellent condition and there were no issues during our stay. The host was very helpful in arranging transports to and from the airport. As promised, the room was very quiet so no noise from neighbours or the street. The room was finished to a high standard and everything was in working order. The apartment was ideally placed, just off one of the main squares with plenty of bars and shops around. Only a few minutes walk took you to the marina. Overall, an excellent trip and would highly recommend this place.
Gareth, 3 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

This was a great property right in the old city wall. The room was lovely. We had a great stay here. Everything we needed.
Maureen, 5 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

Beautiful apartment in a great location in the heart of the old town. Staff (Karlo) were very helpful meeting us to check in, and providing us with loads of tips and helpful info for our stay. Only downside was the noise from outside due to it being in such a good location.
Mark, 4 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

El lugar es céntrico y la habitación es muy buena. El desayuno es variado.
Belen, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

The apartment was in a great area inside the walls You can walk everywhere (ferries bus beach) from the apartment We were met at our taxi to be taken to the apartment as it would have been difficult to find This person showed us everything and then gave us his WhatsApp to contact him if we needed anything We sent him a request for 2 more pillows and never ever heard back from him We were in for 3 nights Other than that I would recommend this property
Donna, 3 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

A lovely room in a truly fantastic location inside the walls of the old town! Furnishings are great and the bathroom and shower really is lovely (once you remember to turn the hot water on!). You feel immersed in the city as you literally walk out into the old town with people all around, and you are directly opposite Uje Olive Oil Bar, a lovely spot for dinner. Note that due to the location of the bar, and the rooms location close to the old palace, it is noisy into the room. Even with all windows closed, it is just noisy. This does not detract too much from the room as we were out and about exploring, but if you fancy a relaxing evening in, then you will need ear plugs! The host was fantastic and went way above and beyond exceptions, helping us with baggage and an earlier check in. Thank you so much for making our stay so enjoyable. If you want a top apartment in the real centre of Split then this is the one, just don't be surprised when you feel in the centre when you're sat in bed!
Matthew, 4 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

O apartamento é especialmente equipado, tudo impecável! O host Toma super gentil e atencioso, forneceu todas as dicas para uma estadia perfeita!
Anna Karina, 3 nætur/nátta viðskiptaferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

ANDREA MENDOZA, 2 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

Overall, the property is a fantastic place to stay if you want to be in the heart of Split close to all attractions, food establishments and tourism. The room itself is lovely, the brick walls are such a nice deco idea and make you feel like you’re within the Palace itself. It’s clean, modern & comfortable. Be aware that it is not completely quiet due to its location so if you’re looking for absolute silence this place may not be for you. Although, the noise really wasn’t bad at all and if you closed the windows it was hardly noticeable. There is A/C in the room. However, the A/C unit itself we noticed was not very powerful. Be aware, that if you are visiting in prime Split heat months this A/C may not be enough. It was ok for us because we visited in milder temperatures but I do think that during peak summer the room would not be cooled enough by it. During our stay, we had the ‘owner’ turn up to the property and let himself in whilst we was still within the room wanting to complete some maintenance. This was our disappointment of the trip. Guests should always be contacted in advance and asked if this would be ok, especially not letting yourself into the room when you have guests staying within it currently. Regardless if you have knocked the door or not, you really shouldn’t be entering whilst guests are staying. Leave the maintenance until your guests leave! Overall, it was a great stay and I recommend it for anyone wanting to be in a great comfortable location!
Rene Martine, 5 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

O hotel é bem localizado, confortável porém o ar condicionado não dá vazão. Percebemos no último dia que os filtros estavam muito sujos o que também impedia do ar circular. Após lavarmos os filtros do ar a refrigeração melhorou um pouco. Essa manutenção tem que ser feita.
Leticia, 3 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Gorgeous room, great location, friendly host
A beautiful clean modern room in an excellent location in Split. Our host was great, came to meet us and give us loads of recommendations and also let us leave our luggage when we checked out before we headed to airport. Decor and layout of room exceeded expectations. Only small bit of feedback would be that ac unit in room was quite temperamental but didn’t take away from what was overall a brilliant place to stay
Lauren, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

2/10 Slæmt

It was dirty and we I was woken up by my wife screaming as there was mice in the room We moved to a hotel but not received any refund yet
glenn, 5 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

The property is in the best location. Very nice, clean and modern. The host was very helpful and responsive. The only thing that bothered us was the noise from the upstairs people in the last two night of our stay which we notified the host and briefly after it got better.
banafsheh, 4 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Sarah, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

6/10 Gott

I want to say first that the apartment is adorable and so much space. It’s beautifully appointed and having a fridge and kitchen is fantastic. You also can’t beat the location. It’s convenient and secure. On the downside… the AC… we were dying. I realize that AC isn’t as good as in the US but it was almost too hot to sleep for us. The other issue is that you only get one towel per person and no clean towels are given. Using the same towel for 4 days when showering sometimes twice a day is not good.. at all. We also ran out of toilet paper and it was impossible to find in the town. We had to borrow a roll from our friends. And no tissues at all. If these things don’t bother you, then I recommend because it is a beautiful apartment.
Jennifer, 3 nætur/nátta ferð með vinum
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

We had a wonderful 2 nights at Mint Rooms in Split and would definitely stay here again. Toma, our host was super helpful, communicating via WhatsApp and meeting us at the taxi drop-off point to walk us to the apartment within the pedestrianised Old Town. The apartment itself is conveniently located a stones throw from The Diocletian Palace. Due to the location, we did hear a little noise from the street but nothing that prevented a good night's sleep. We had booked 2 rooms for a family of 4. Both were beautifully decorated with powerful showers. We were due to collect our hire car later in the afternoon on check-out day and were able to leave our bags safely in the apartment hallway for the morning, whilst we explored more of the city. This was really useful because I definitely didn't want to wheel suitcases around in 35 degree heat!!
Chloe, 2 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Perfect location within the palace / old town
Very pleased we took the transfer from the accommodation for the airport journey. More expensive than app taxis but worth it as met at old town taxi drop off and walked to apartment which would have been interesting to find on our own. Rooms air conditioned and incredibly quiet despite the central, perfect location. A great base to experience being a resident in the old palace.
Anne, 2 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Perfect location within the palace / old town
Very pleased we took the transfer from the accommodation for the airport journey. More expensive than Uber but worth it as met at old town taxi drop off and walked to apartment which would have been interesting to find on our own. Rooms air conditioned and incredibly quiet despite the central, perfect location. A great base to experience being a resident in the old palace.
Anne, 2 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

I highly recommend Mint Luxury rooms for your stay in Split. The location was excellent for day of arrival. It is so close to dining options, shopping, and it is in the middle of all sightseeing options. The room itself is adorable; spacious and updated. We felt very safe and comfortable. Slept very well here! Additionally, Ivica was so helpful and provided information about the area, dining, excursions, etc. He even arranged transport for us, to the airport, for a reasonable price. It was better than expected. We would.happily stay here again. Don't hesitate to book your stay here. We loved it for our stay in Split
Tricia, 3 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Yvonne, 4 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Martin, 4 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Thomas was the host who checked us in and he was incredibly paitent, helpful and enthusiastic. He made our stay most enjoyable. The property needed more bath towels, wash cloths, kitchen towels and paper towels. hoever the apartent is STUNNING, quite, comftable bed, lots of light and quite, safe, central. Highky recommend
mia, 3 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Excellent, clean very convenient location and even able to check in earlier
David, 4 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia