Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre

3.0 stjörnu gististaður
Hótel í fjöllunum í Dargle, með 3 börum/setustofum og útilaug

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Myndasafn fyrir Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre

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Útsýni frá gististað
Fyrir utan
3 barir/setustofur
Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre er tilvalinn dvalarstaður fyrir þá sem vilja njóta þess sem Dargle hefur upp á að bjóða. Á staðnum er kaffihús þar sem hægt er að grípa sér bita, og svo má láta stjana við sig með því að fara í heitsteinanudd, andlitsmeðferðir eða hand- og fótsnyrtingu. Á staðnum eru einnig 3 barir/setustofur, útilaug og utanhúss tennisvöllur.


7,0 af 10

Vinsæl aðstaða

  • Bar
  • Heilsulind
  • Sundlaug
  • Þvottahús
  • Ókeypis bílastæði
  • Veitingastaður
  • Þrif daglega
  • Veitingastaður og 3 barir/setustofur
  • Útilaug
  • Morgunverður í boði
  • Utanhúss tennisvöllur
  • Kaffihús
  • Heilsulindarþjónusta
  • Nudd- og heilsuherbergi
  • Barnagæsla
  • Fundarherbergi
  • Kaffi/te í almennu rými
  • Garður
Fyrir fjölskyldur
  • Vöggur/ungbarnarúm (aukagjald)
  • Barnagæsla (aukagjald)
  • Leikvöllur á staðnum
  • Sjónvarp
  • Garður
  • Dagleg þrif


Síur í boði fyrir herbergi
Sýni 13 af 13 herbergjum

Herbergi (Economy Family Unit (B) Manor 1&3 )

  • Pláss fyrir 10
  • 1 einbreitt rúm

Deluxe-herbergi fyrir tvo, tvö rúm


Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • 28 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 2 einbreið rúm



Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Ókeypis ferðarúm/aukarúm
Select Comfort-rúm
Baðker með sturtu
  • 18 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 2 einbreið rúm



Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • Pláss fyrir 4
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm og 2 einbreið rúm

Deluxe-herbergi - 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm


Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • 28 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm

Herbergi (Economy Family Unit (A) MANOR 2 )


Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • Pláss fyrir 6
  • 4 einbreið rúm og 1 tvíbreitt rúm

Fjölskylduherbergi (Budget)


Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • 20 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 4
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm EÐA 2 einbreið rúm

Economy-herbergi fyrir tvo, tvö rúm


Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • 25 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 2 einbreið rúm

Economy-herbergi með tvíbreiðu rúmi


Svalir með húsgögnum
Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
  • 25 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm EÐA 2 einbreið rúm

Herbergi (Budget)


Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • 18 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 2 einbreið rúm

Standard-herbergi með tvíbreiðu rúmi


Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • 18 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm



Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • 22 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 6
  • 2 einbreið rúm

Herbergi með tvíbreiðu rúmi (Budget )


Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Sérstaklega innréttað
Select Comfort-rúm
Dagleg þrif
  • 18 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm
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Skráðu þig inn til að sjá gjaldgenga afslætti og ávinninga. Meiri ávinningur fyrir meiri ævintýri!

Um hverfið

District Road 132, Dargle, KwaZulu-Natal, 3265

Hvað er í nágrenninu?

  • Minnismerki fangelsistökustaðar Nelson Mandela - 39 mín. akstur
  • Stormy Hill-hestaslóðarnir - 40 mín. akstur
  • Abingdon Wine Estate - 42 mín. akstur
  • Midmar-stíflan - 51 mín. akstur
  • Gowrie Farm golfvöllurinn - 59 mín. akstur


  • Pietermaritzburg (PZB) - 65 mín. akstur
  • Durban (DUR-King Shaka alþjóðaflugvöllur) - 150 mín. akstur


  • ‪The Bierfassl Restaurant & Pub - ‬43 mín. akstur
  • ‪The Potato Shed - ‬24 mín. akstur

Um þennan gististað

Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre

Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre er tilvalinn dvalarstaður fyrir þá sem vilja njóta þess sem Dargle hefur upp á að bjóða. Á staðnum er kaffihús þar sem hægt er að grípa sér bita, og svo má láta stjana við sig með því að fara í heitsteinanudd, andlitsmeðferðir eða hand- og fótsnyrtingu. Á staðnum eru einnig 3 barir/setustofur, útilaug og utanhúss tennisvöllur.


Enska, zulu



Stærð hótels

    • 45 herbergi
    • Er á meira en 2 hæðum


    • Innritun hefst: kl. 14:00. Innritun lýkur: kl. 21:00
    • Útritunartími er 10:00

Krafist við innritun

    • Kreditkort, debetkort eða innborgun með reiðufé er nauðsynleg fyrir tilfallandi gjöld
    • Sýna gæti þurft skilríki með mynd, útgefin af yfirvöldum


    • Barnagæsla*


    • Gæludýr ekki leyfð


    • Ókeypis sjálfsafgreiðslubílastæði á staðnum
    • Bílastæði aðgengileg hjólastólum á svæðinu

Aðrar upplýsingar

    • Afmörkuð reykingasvæði

Aðstaða/þjónusta gististaðar

Matur og drykkur

  • Morgunverðarhlaðborð (aukagjald) daglega kl. 07:30–kl. 10:00
  • 3 barir/setustofur
  • Veitingastaður
  • Kaffihús
  • Kaffi/te í almennu rými

Ferðast með börn

  • Leikvöllur
  • Barnagæsla (aukagjald)

Áhugavert að gera

  • Blak
  • Göngu- og hjólaslóðar

Fyrir viðskiptaferðalanga

  • Fundarherbergi
  • Ráðstefnurými (17 fermetra)


  • Fatahreinsun/þvottaþjónusta
  • Brúðkaupsþjónusta
  • Fjöltyngt starfsfólk
  • Sólstólar


  • 18 byggingar/turnar
  • Byggt 1938
  • Öryggishólf í móttöku
  • Garður
  • Arinn í anddyri
  • Sjónvarp í almennu rými
  • Útilaug
  • Heilsulindarþjónusta
  • Utanhúss tennisvöllur
  • Nudd- og heilsuherbergi
  • Veislusalur


  • Ferðaleið aðgengileg hjólastólum
  • Bílastæði með hjólastólaaðgengi

Aðstaða á herbergi

Afþreying við höndina

  • 54-cm sjónvarp


  • Kaffivél/teketill

Sofðu rótt

  • Kvöldfrágangur
  • Rúmföt af bestu gerð
  • Select Comfort-dýna
  • Vagga/ungbarnarúm (aukagjald)

Njóttu lífsins

  • Sérvalin húsgögn og innréttingar

Fyrir útlitið

  • Ókeypis snyrtivörur
  • Hárblásari (eftir beiðni)
  • Handklæði

Vertu í sambandi

  • Sími


  • Dagleg þrif



Gestir geta dekrað við sig með því að nýta heilsulindarþjónustuna á svæðinu. Þar eru 2 meðferðarherbergi. Á meðal þjónustu eru heitsteinanudd, andlitsmeðferð, líkamsmeðferð og hand- og fótsnyrting.

Gjöld og reglur

Endurgreiðanlegar innborganir

  • Innborgun: 50 ZAR fyrir dvölina


  • Boðið er upp á morgunverðarhlaðborð gegn aukagjaldi sem er um það bil 55.00 til 55.00 ZAR á mann

Börn og aukarúm

  • Barnagæsla er í boði gegn aukagjaldi
  • Vöggur/ungbarnarúm eru í boði fyrir 65.0 ZAR á nótt


Þessi gististaður er undir stjórn atvinnugestgjafa. Að bjóða upp á gistingu er hluti af starfi hans, rekstri og aðalfagi.
Aðeins skráðir gestir mega vera á herbergjunum.
Á þessum gististað eru engar lyftur.
Þessi gististaður tekur við kreditkortum.
Skyldugjald fyrir hátíðarkvöldverð á aðfangadagskvöld er innifalið í því heildarverði sem er birt fyrir dvöl þann 24. desember.
Skyldugjald fyrir hátíðarkvöldverð á gamlárskvöld er innifalið í heildarverðinu sem birt er fyrir dvöl þann 31. desember

Líka þekkt sem

Everglades Dargle
Everglades Hotel Dargle
Everglades Hotel Conference Centre
Everglades & Conference Dargle
Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre Hotel
Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre Dargle
Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre Hotel Dargle

Algengar spurningar

Er Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre með sundlaug?

Já, staðurinn er með útilaug.

Leyfir Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre gæludýr?

Því miður, gæludýr eru ekki leyfð.

Býður Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre upp á bílastæði á staðnum?

Já, boðið er upp á ókeypis sjálfsafgreiðslubílastæði.

Hvaða innritunar- og útritunartíma er Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre með?

Innritunartími hefst: kl. 14:00. Innritunartíma lýkur: kl. 21:00. Útritunartími er 10:00.

Hvað er hægt að gera á gististaðnum og í nágrenninu þegar maður dvelur á Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre?

Meðal þess sem stendur til boða á staðnum eru gönguferðir og tennis. Meðal annars sem staðurinn býður upp á eru blakvellir. Þetta hótel er með útisundlaug sem þú getur tekið til kostanna auk þess sem hann er líka með 3 börum og heilsulindarþjónustu. Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre er þar að auki með garði.

Eru veitingastaðir á Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre eða í nágrenninu?

Já, það er veitingastaður á staðnum.

Everglades Hotel & Conference Centre - umsagnir







Starfsfólk og þjónusta


Ástand gististaðar og aðstöðu


2/10 Slæmt

The hotel has been closed since November 2017 , we had to find alternative accommodation late at night after a long drive , you need to contact me urgently re a refund plus costs , I am currently still on holiday and will be in a position to resolve this very disappointing experience next week Monday , how on earth can you advertise a hotel , take my money in advance , when the establishment has been closed for 5 months ! Tony Riley
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

2 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

Disappointing vacation
It was horrible...the place is decapitated.There is no security..torn bed linen.The room smell was terrible..The good and housekeeping dreadful.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

6/10 Gott

Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

6/10 Gott

Not a family friendly place
Upon arrival with our 2 young children we were hoping to rest and have a buffet dinner in their restaurant. When we enquired about it they said that they in fact only had 2 items to eat and nothing for the kids. Much to our surprise as the receptionist told us on the phone earlier on the day about the buffet dinner. How on earth is a person to feed their kids after a long day on the road and no shops nearby, and the kids are tired and hungry. This is definitely not a family friendly place. On the website it shows a lovely blue sparkling pool and a trampoline for the kids. The pool was in fact black on the edges and full of debris and the trampoline had no padding for safety and missing springs. As a parent on holiday, one would expect to have a safe place for your children to play while you sit and watch. Even the jungle gym needs attention. It's really quite sad because it is an absolutely breathtaking setting and the rondavel that we stayed in was well kept. I wish that they were more accommodating for the little ones.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

6/10 Gott

The staff was not accommodating. My husband was vegetarian and they did not make a plan even when requested.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Good countryside escape
Amazing overall experience - great area
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Value for money
The drive there was very scenic and it is situated below a lovely mountain in a farm area. I've rated it fairly high, not because it's really good, but because it is fair and for the price we paid, it is good value for money. It's also not bad in anyway. The staff were helpful and friendly. The room was clean. The breakfast was lovely. The grounds are kept well. It's maybe just a little old and not super modern. But it is in hiking and mountain biking country so the room isn't the be all and end all is it. We paid ZAR 800 for the room (2 persons) and that included breakfast. Good value. There does seem to be a lot of rowdy people around so rather go in a crowd, take a few rooms and also have a party in the hotel bar. We saw various groups coming and leaving with "party.. party.. party" in mind; maybe it's been like that for a while and we made a "new" discovery.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Picturesque, Private Retreat
Our family stayed at Everglades as support personnel for our colleagues who held meetings over the course of 4 days. We found our room to be very comfortable, clean, and very spacious. The bed was extremely comfortable. The staff was very accommodating to our needs and always very pleasant and cheerful to work with. Our overall experience was very good.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

6/10 Gott

We booked budget rooms and whilst I understand that they are cheaper because of the facilities, we had to be moved to other accommodation because of the overwhelming smell in the rooms. This was due to the wooden poles being painted with creosote and then the rooms not left to air properly. We then ended up in the superior room which was a great improvement. However for guest paying that price I would expect a fully functioning shower (it was awful), no unsightly stains on the bathroom ceiling (from leaks) and a TV that actually had working channels. Overall it was very disappointing.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Go today
We spent 2 nights and it really felt homely. The management team were so welcoming as well as very honest. They had recently stepped in and ate doing lots of work to bring the place up to date. The food here was always delicious. In the main house there was a great bar area that had a feel of an English pub (should say welsh as the owner is from wales). We loved our stay here and will definitely go back next time we are in the area.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Did not enjoy, firstly they were not aware of us coming, had to wait to be checked in, no halaal food.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Go for it!
Wonderful experience!!! We really enjoyed!!!
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

situated at the foot of a mountain in beautiful ar
We had a very comfortable one night stay. It was a quiet time md-week and there were few guests so we received a lot of attention.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

ugly old hotel
hotel is old and is unlike the photos
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Midlands Getaway
The staff was friendly and welcoming. Beautiful landscaping. The perfect get away at an unbeatable price.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

6/10 Gott

Good hotel for hiking
( ) under the mountain - peaceful and serene Nice restaurant Spacious room (-) 8km drive on unpaved road
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

The hotel is run down and not suitable for South Africa's standard of accommodation. They need to be stripped of their trading license. I just donated my money and looked for alternative accommodation.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

4/10 Sæmilegt

Only stay here if you absolutely need to
The condition of the hotel is in a very bad state. The paint was peeling off the walls in our room, there was a dark damp patch of mildew above the entrance to the bathroom door, the furniture was extremely old and out-dated, the bathroom was old, very basic, and the shower curtain blew against you and stuck to your legs while you tried to shower. There were no additional plug points to plug in our phones to charge, and message stuck to the wall asking that the guests not plug in any additional appliances as it will cause to power to trip, thus. The restaurants food was extremely average and of poor quality, the chairs were dirty or stained (not sure) and very old, some were torn. I didn't feel comfortable eating any of the food and didn't think it was worth the price. They forgot to charge a bill to our account and we received an email a day after checking out request we do an EFT. The location is really far out of the way from anything, there are no restaurants nearby like the website says, you have to drive at least 20kms to the nearest restaurant, most of which is a dirt road. This hotel needs a serious upgrade, the surroundings, although remote, are beautiful, but the standard of the hotel unfortunately puts a damper on it. I get the feeling that the owner either isn't around much to maintain the standard or they either just don't know any better. Either way, some serious refurbishment needs to take place to bring the "hotel" up to standard. It's a 1 star at best.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Top place to stay. One of the best ever.
We planned to stay one night but stayed for three. We loved being at this beautiful place. We can only recommand this fulheartedly. An earlier command on reaching the hotel is uther nonsence. We had no problem and the gravelroad is deffenitly one of the better once we drove in in SA. No reason to stay away at all. Again: highly recommanded. And if you are there, please hug Bella for us. We love that dog :-)
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

6/10 Gott

great location
My family raly enjoyed the experience...the view in the morning is awesome.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Fantastic location in the mountains
Great food and friendly staff
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

6/10 Gott

Nice views
Rooms are lovely, but main building needs some TLC
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com