Baan Yamu Residences

4.5 stjörnu gististaður
Hótel í Pa Klok með útilaug og veitingastað

Veldu dagsetningar til að sjá verð

Myndasafn fyrir Baan Yamu Residences

Rúm með „pillowtop“-dýnum, öryggishólf í herbergi, sérvalin húsgögn
Rúm með „pillowtop“-dýnum, öryggishólf í herbergi, sérvalin húsgögn
Rúm með „pillowtop“-dýnum, öryggishólf í herbergi, sérvalin húsgögn
Rúm með „pillowtop“-dýnum, öryggishólf í herbergi, sérvalin húsgögn
Rúm með „pillowtop“-dýnum, öryggishólf í herbergi, sérvalin húsgögn
Baan Yamu Residences er frábær valkostur þegar þú nýtur þess sem Pa Klok hefur upp á að bjóða. Þú getur buslað í útilauginni, auk þess sem að á staðnum eru veitingastaður og bar/setustofa svo hægt er að gera vel við sig í mat og drykk. Líkamsræktaraðstaða og barnasundlaug eru einnig á svæðinu auk þess sem herbergin skarta ýmsum öðrum þægindum. Þar á meðal eru ísskápar og örbylgjuofnar.


7,8 af 10

Vinsæl aðstaða

  • Ferðir til og frá flugvelli
  • Bílastæði í boði
  • Bar
  • Sundlaug
  • Loftkæling
  • Þvottahús

Meginaðstaða (12)

  • Þrif daglega
  • Veitingastaður og bar/setustofa
  • Útilaug
  • Morgunverður í boði
  • Líkamsræktaraðstaða
  • Barnasundlaug
  • Flugvallarskutla
  • Garður
  • Öryggishólf í móttöku
  • Fatahreinsun/þvottaþjónusta
  • Farangursgeymsla
  • Móttaka opin á tilteknum tímum

Vertu eins og heima hjá þér (6)

  • Barnasundlaug
  • Leikvöllur á staðnum
  • Hjólarúm/aukarúm í boði (ókeypis)
  • Eldhúskrókur
  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Aðskilið baðker/sturta


Síur í boði fyrir herbergi
Sýni 7 af 7 herbergjum

Courtyard Villa 3 Bedroom


Aðskilin setustofa
Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Ísskápur/frystir í fullri stærð
  • 645 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 7
  • 3 stór tvíbreið rúm

Garden Pool Villa 2 Bedroom


Aðskilin setustofa
Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Ísskápur/frystir í fullri stærð
  • 170 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 5
  • 2 stór tvíbreið rúm

Garden Pool Villa 1 Bedroom


Aðskilin setustofa
Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Ísskápur/frystir í fullri stærð
  • 170 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm

Bay View Penthouse 2 Bedroom


Aðskilin setustofa
Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Ísskápur/frystir í fullri stærð
  • 229.9 ferm.
  • Útsýni að vík/strönd
  • Pláss fyrir 5
  • 2 stór tvíbreið rúm

Garden Residence 3 Bedroom


Aðskilin setustofa
Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Ísskápur/frystir í fullri stærð
  • 284 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 7
  • 3 stór tvíbreið rúm

Garden Residence 2 Bedroom


Aðskilin setustofa
Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Ísskápur/frystir í fullri stærð
  • 177 ferm.
  • Útsýni yfir haf að hluta til
  • Pláss fyrir 5
  • 2 stór tvíbreið rúm

Garden Residence 1 Bedroom


Aðskilin setustofa
Sérstaklega útbúið húsgögnum
Ísskápur/frystir í fullri stærð
  • 177 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm

Svipaðir gististaðir

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Skráðu þig inn til að sjá gjaldgenga afslætti og ávinninga. Meiri ávinningur fyrir meiri ævintýri!

Um hverfið

Moo 7, Paklok, Thalang, 171, Pa Klok, Phuket Province, 83110

Hvað er í nágrenninu?

  • Cape Yamu - 18 mín. ganga - 1.6 km
  • Cape Yamu strönd - 19 mín. ganga - 1.6 km
  • Phuket fílafriðlandið - 11 mín. akstur - 9.4 km
  • Bang Rong bryggjan - 14 mín. akstur - 11.3 km
  • Ao Po Grand bátahöfnin - 21 mín. akstur - 14.8 km


  • Phuket (HKT-Phuket alþj.) - 35 mín. akstur
  • Flugvallarskutla (aukagjald)


  • ‪Isola Ristorante - ‬17 mín. akstur
  • ‪Booktree Library and Cafe - ‬12 mín. akstur
  • ‪Good For Rest - ‬5 mín. akstur
  • ‪Dee Cafe & Bistro - ‬6 mín. akstur
  • ‪The Speakeasy Yacht Club - ‬16 mín. akstur

Um þennan gististað

Baan Yamu Residences

Baan Yamu Residences er frábær valkostur þegar þú nýtur þess sem Pa Klok hefur upp á að bjóða. Þú getur buslað í útilauginni, auk þess sem að á staðnum eru veitingastaður og bar/setustofa svo hægt er að gera vel við sig í mat og drykk. Líkamsræktaraðstaða og barnasundlaug eru einnig á svæðinu auk þess sem herbergin skarta ýmsum öðrum þægindum. Þar á meðal eru ísskápar og örbylgjuofnar.


Enska, franska, sænska, taílenska



    • Flýtiinnritun í boði

Sérstakar innritunarleiðbeiningar

    • Gestir verða að hafa samband við gististaðinn með fyrirvara til að fá innritunarleiðbeiningar; starfsfólk er í afgreiðslu á takmörkuðum tímum
    • Hafðu samband við gististaðinn fyrirfram til að gera ráðstafanir varðandi innritun og notaðu til þess upplýsingarnar á bókunarstaðfestingingunni.
    • Ef þú ætlar að mæta á staðinn eftir kl. 17:00 skaltu hafa samband við gististaðinn með tengiliðaupplýsingunum sem birtar eru í bókunarstaðfestingunni.

Krafist við innritun

    • Kreditkort, debetkort eða innborgun með reiðufé er nauðsynleg fyrir tilfallandi gjöld
    • Sýna gæti þurft skilríki með mynd, útgefin af yfirvöldum


    • Engar vöggur (ungbarnarúm)


    • Á herbergjum er ókeypis internettenging, þráðlaus eða um snúru


    • Skutluþjónusta á flugvöll*

Aðrar upplýsingar

    • Afmörkuð reykingasvæði

Aðstaða/þjónusta gististaðar

Matur og drykkur

  • Morgunverður í boði (aukagjald)
  • Veitingastaður
  • Bar/setustofa

Ferðast með börn

  • Barnasundlaug
  • Leikvöllur

Áhugavert að gera

  • Kanósiglingar
  • Köfun
  • Golfkennsla í nágrenninu


  • Móttaka opin á tilteknum tímum
  • Aðstoð við miða-/ferðakaup
  • Fatahreinsun/þvottaþjónusta
  • Farangursgeymsla
  • Vikapiltur
  • Hjólaleiga
  • Sólstólar
  • Sólhlífar


  • Öryggishólf í móttöku
  • Garður
  • Líkamsræktaraðstaða
  • Æfingasvæði fyrir golf á staðnum
  • Útilaug

Aðstaða á herbergi

Afþreying við höndina

  • 41-tommu LCD-sjónvarp


  • Sjálfvirk hitastýring
  • Vifta í lofti
  • Kaffivél/teketill
  • Straujárn/strauborð (eftir beiðni)

Sofðu rótt

  • Pillowtop-dýna
  • Hjóla-/aukarúm (aukagjald)

Njóttu lífsins

  • Svalir
  • Einkagarður
  • Sérvalin húsgögn
  • Aðskilin setustofa

Fyrir útlitið

  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Aðskilið baðker/sturta
  • Hárblásari
  • Handklæði

Vertu í sambandi

  • Ókeypis þráðlaust net og nettenging með snúru
  • Sími

Matur og drykkur

  • Ísskápur/frystir í fullri stærð
  • Örbylgjuofn
  • Eldhúskrókur
  • Ókeypis vatn á flöskum


  • Dagleg þrif
  • Öryggishólf á herbergjum

Gjöld og reglur


  • Flugvallarskutla er í boði gegn aukagjaldi

Börn og aukarúm

  • Aukarúm eru í boði fyrir THB 1000 á nótt


Þessi gististaður er undir stjórn atvinnugestgjafa. Að bjóða upp á gistingu er hluti af starfi hans, rekstri og aðalfagi.
Þessi gististaður tekur við kreditkortum.
Samþykkt kreditkort: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB International

Líka þekkt sem

Baan Yamu Residences Hotel Thalang
Baan Yamu Residences Thalang
Baan Yamu Residences Hotel Pa Klok
Baan Yamu Residences Hotel
Baan Yamu Residences Pa Klok
Baan Yamu Residences Cape Yamu Resort Pa Klok
Baan Yamu Residences Resort Pa Klok
Resort Baan Yamu Residences Pa Klok
Pa Klok Baan Yamu Residences Resort
Baan Yamu Residences Pa Klok
Resort Baan Yamu Residences
Baan Yamu Residences Resort
Baan Yamu Residences Cape Yamu
Baan Yamu Residences Pa Klok
Baan Yamu Residences Hotel
Baan Yamu Residences Pa Klok
Baan Yamu Residences Hotel Pa Klok

Algengar spurningar

Er Baan Yamu Residences með sundlaug?

Já, staðurinn er með útilaug og barnasundlaug.

Býður Baan Yamu Residences upp á flugvallarskutluþjónustu?

Já, flugvallarskutla er í boði.

Hvað er hægt að gera á gististaðnum og í nágrenninu þegar maður dvelur á Baan Yamu Residences?

Nýttu tækifærið til að njóta útivistar á svæðinu, en meðal þess sem er í boði eru róðrarbátar og köfun. Þetta hótel er með útisundlaug sem þú getur tekið til kostanna auk þess sem hann er líka með líkamsræktaraðstöðu og garði.

Eru veitingastaðir á Baan Yamu Residences eða í nágrenninu?

Já, það er veitingastaður á staðnum.

Er Baan Yamu Residences með herbergi með eldhúsi eða eldhúskróki þar sem maður getur sjálfur séð um matseld?

Já, það er eldhúskrókur í öllum herbergjum, en einnig eru þar ísskápur, örbylgjuofn og kaffivél.

Er Baan Yamu Residences með einhver einkasvæði utandyra?

Já, hvert herbergi er með svalir og garð.

Á hvernig svæði er Baan Yamu Residences?

Baan Yamu Residences er í einungis 18 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá Cape Yamu og 19 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá Cape Yamu strönd.

Baan Yamu Residences - umsagnir







Starfsfólk og þjónusta


Ástand gististaðar og aðstöðu


8/10 Mjög gott

Nice overall design, great swimming pool, nice staff and restaurant . Ideal if you have a car as it is a bit remote but the view is great
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

8/10 Mjög gott

Sannreynd umsögn gests af

8/10 Mjög gott

Amazing hotel ruined by location
We stayed here for our honeymoon. The place itself is fablous. We stayed in a villa with private pool and everything seemed new and nice. However the location is the biggest disadvantage. It takes around 30min to Patong. There are not much shops or things to do around the hotel. So we ended up renting motorbike for two days(100m from hotel) to get around. Having said we stayed in villa with private pool, the main pool of the hotel was also for our private use. We've come across literally 2 more couples during our 3 nights stay. Not many people seems to stay here and it gets scary during the night. If you want quite, peaceful place (I am not sure why you'd come to Phuket for peace though!)then this is the place but otherwise i would choose somewhere near busy beach.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Modern villa at quiet seaside
Well maintained property with friendly staff. The 3-bedroom villa has generous space over 3 floors and a private pool. The on-site restaurant provides basic breakfast and decent dinner offerings.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

Sannreynd umsögn gests af

6/10 Gott

Below Par Baan Yamu, disappointing.
For a hotel that is a long way from anything that is happening in Phuket the rates are high. the reception staff were unable to find our booking and appeared to be completely disorganised and uninterested. The 'pool villa' was spacious but poorly furnished. There were no bedside tables in either of the bedrooms. The overhead 'rainshowers' did not work and the handles had been removed, we were reduced to using a handheld shower piece, impossible for anyone to use effectively. A request to reception to have both showers repaired resulted in nothing happening. They simply weren't interested. The included breakfast provided consisted of stone cold greasy fried eggs, cold plastic chicken sausages and bacon that closely resembled jerky, it was nothing short of cheap and appaling. The outward appearance of the place is immaculate...shame they couldn't invest in a Maintenance man. The restaraunt prices rival that of the most exclusive restaraunts in Phuket but the location and standard do not come close to meeting the required level. For us, we would recommend you look elsewhere for accomodation, it just isn't up to the standard for the prices they charge in all sections of their business that we expereinced.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

2/10 Slæmt

這是我一家第二次來渡假的酒店,我訂的是3房連泳池別墅,酒店安排的是4房別墅. 一進屋內,第一時間見到的竟然是一條蛇,約一呎長,它急速逃竄.這樣的情況下,必然是睡得不安心,但酒店竟然以太晚安排不到為理由而拒絕換房(當時是早上3:00).原本我 housemaid 是被安排睡在大廳 sofa上,但由於害怕蛇出沒關係,我要求酒店把第4房間開放給我們,竟然也被拒絕,理由是房間只是雜物房,沒有睡牀,housekeeping 又沒有鑰匙. 到早上,我發現所謂的雜物房原來真是一間有兩張單人牀的睡房,我馬上找經理理論,得到的回應是,已upgarde 了我們住4戶別墅,但因訂的是3房,所以第4房間不開放.再者已派人跟進蛇情況,蛇是怕人的,應該已走了.另外酒店已fully book,無房換,最終就的一句 I am so sorry. 但游泳池只得3位日本人在游泳,我不可能相信是 fully book.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

6/10 Gott

Beautiful apartment, woeful location
The apartments are spacious, grand and very comfortable, it has a beautiful pool, one bar, one restaurant and was VERY quiet. The location is terrible with no attractions, beach or facilities other than those within the complex accessible. The staff were generally not that willing to help or go out of their way to assist or provide advice. The restaurant provided good food at reasonable rates and the manager was very polite and helpful. There is a small gym, a broken table tennis table and a beach volley ball court but not really much for kids to do at all apart from use the pool. The surrounding areas were very run down and not welcoming at all which was a huge contrast to the first part of our holiday at a resort a Khao Lak. I would not return to this location for a holiday.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Quite place
Quite place
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

2/10 Slæmt

Dieses Hotel befindet sich "am Ende der Welt"
Dieses Hotel ist zwar sehr schön designed, allerdings am Ende der Welt gelegen. Es hat keine Strandabschnitt, ist von der Küstenstraße von einem sehr dreckigen Stück Meeranstoß getrennt. Es gibt weit und breit rein gar nichts an Unterhaltung: Weder Kneipen noch Nachtleben, nicht einmal ein vernünftiges Restaurant. Dieses Hotel bietet bei angeblichem 5 Sterne Standard ein Frühstück bestehend aus: 1 Instantpulverkaffee, Toast, Eierspeise und 2 Schnitzen Ananas und Melone - das war´s ! Dafür kostenloser Straßenlärm von der Küstenstraße. Spitzenhotel, was das Design angeht aber erbärmlichste Lage aller Zeiten. Nach Phuket Town ca. 1 Stunde Fahrt, zu den Stränden ca. 1,5 Stunden. Was soll das, ein solch schönes Hotel an einen derart ab vom Schuß gelegenen Ort zu bauen, haben wir uns gefragt. Zudem: Derzeit sehr laute Bauarbeiten an einer Hotelerweiterung. Keinerlei Hinweis von Expedia vor der Buchung - nett.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

6/10 Gott

Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Baan Yamu Residence - Review from Singapore
Great Stay for travellers with big family! There are always staff cleaning the compound and pool to make sure that the condition is at its tip top. The most memorable experience was the Haris bar/Cafe. I'm impressed with the staff and their heart-warming and thoughtful services to my family.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

Sannreynd umsögn gests af

8/10 Mjög gott

Great place to stay
Spacious rooms and large pool. Great place, although away from beaches.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

Big, clean, nice hotel
Absolutely loved the villa we stayed in. Massive full length swimming pool. Quite and safe environment good for family getaway with very young children or people who are not into night life as there is absolutely nothing except 2 other resorts in the neighborhood. Breakfast is so so ( only ham, sausage, bread, fruits and one Thai dish ). Not many F&B options as there is only one restaurant in the hotel and no other restaurants in the Neighbourhood
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

6/10 Gott

Great hotel stay, marred by poor maintenance issue
Booked the penthouse rooms, and they are very nice and spacious and contain everything you need including kitchen items for cooking home meals. The trouble was the lift didn't work after the first morning and so we had to use the steep stairs to the roof with two children and buggies and shopping etc. didn't get fixed even after a week, also the A/C in one room took 3 days to repair, and the cable TV had no channels for 5 days. Luckily the fridge did kept the drinks cold and worries all wash away in the outdoor hot spa. hotel is a little bit away from the main beach areas and if you book tours they will charge extra to collect from this hotel.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

6/10 Gott

Beau, impersonnel et peu entretenu
Manque d'entretien, par contre appartement très vaste et très belle piscine
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

remote area, big size rooms, good swimming pool !!
This is second time to travell Phuket. I've stayed 3 hotels in the area. This place is the best place I've ever stayed. Ireal for relax oreinted traveller. Even though, this residence is 30 minutes from Patong beach, taxi & rent a car is alway waiting for you in front of residence. I recommend rent a car, it gives you free schedule. make a deal about 1400 Bht for medium car like honda CRV. And this is the best...Restarant out side of residence, 3 min. by walk, "Yamu Sunset Restaurant"....this restaurant's foods are really good!!! Recommend to this restarant visit 30 min. before sunset time, it will amaze you. Crews are good, but few can speak English. However, they know what you want from their good experiences. Swimmimg pool is good-modern desine, breakfast-don't expect too much... Room from parking lot...many staris...ask crew to bring yor suit cases. warning: If you like to party, go to Paton area...this place might boring for you.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

I got a wonderful and relax stay.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Fabulous apartment (though not near beach)
Stayed for 5 nights in Feb. 2014 with 2 adults and 3 kids (ages 3-8). We booked on the late side, so our first choices (west-coast beach resorts) were all full. However, what we gave up in terms of beachside location was made up for by the incredible size and condition of our (3-bedroom) apartment. 'Apartment' may be an understatement: what we found was a 3-story villa with carport, full kitchen, private courtyard and swimming pool. (Each unit shared a wall with only one other next door.) The townhouse was spotless and sleekly designed, like something out of a design catalog. The only downside of this is that the hard edges and many stairs are not designed to be friendly for very young kids; also the distance between each of the 3 bedrooms (one of which is on the third level) is great for privacy, not so great for hearing whether or not the kids cry at night. But the private pool is a big plus for the little ones. Breakfast was a short walk away, as was the enormous and beautiful common swimming pool (also including shallow kid-pool zones of 2 different depths.) The balconies had spectacular ocean views. However, the main two potential drawbacks are: 1) The east-coast location is very remote; if we had not rented a car, it would have been tough getting anywhere else. Perfect if you want peace and quiet, though! 2) No beach anywhere close: The ocean is yards away, but consists of tidal flats, not sand. If neither of those is a deal-breaker, Baan Yamu comes highly recommended
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

6/10 Gott

직원들의 아마추어
1손님캐리어는 손님이 들어야함 직원이 없다는 이유 2 청소후 머리카락 곳곳에날림 3 바나레스토랑은 오직현금결제만가능 4영어부족 지금까지다녀본 호텔중최악
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

호텔 시설이나 모든것이 정말 좋았습니다. 모두들 친절하였고 가족같았어요. 주변에 갈곳이 별로없지만 breeze나 Sunrise 레스토랑 음식 강추입니다.Haris도 맛있고요. 다음에 다시 꼭 가고싶은 호텔입니다. 감동입니다.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

8/10 Mjög gott

Nice Quiet Area
Need a car to get around there. Nice quiet area. Lack of facilities like Spa. Nearby Beach is muddy not for swimming as it is on the west coast. Driving to Surin Beach is about 30mins.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

非常合適大伙人一同旅遊, 室內空間非常大, 床舖非常舒服.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

6/10 Gott

Baan Yamu - February 2013
The good: - Very spacious villa ( 3 bedroom ) - Very friendly staff - Nice swimming pool The bad: - Very small choice for breakfast ( spaghetti, rice, bread, egg, fruit mostly covers it ) Same every day - Located in a remote area which means you will need to take a taxi all the time Only 1 taxi company opposite of the hotel so during rush hour you might not be able to get a taxi and you can go nowhere ( they only have about 5 cars available ) If you book at the reception they will charge you crazy prices, better to go across the street and negotiate by yourself - The restaurant does not belong to the hotel and is cash only That means you will need to bring cash every time you go there for lunch or dinner - Maintenance is friendly but solves nothing. During the entire stay the air-conditioning produced a terrible smell ( maintenance checked but smell remained ). Conclusion: Despite the nice villa and very friendly staff too many bads.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia