Ravelston House

3.0 stjörnu gististaður
Hótel í Musselburgh á ströndinni, með veitingastað og bar/setustofu

Veldu dagsetningar til að sjá verð

Myndasafn fyrir Ravelston House

Deluxe-herbergi með tvíbreiðu rúmi - 1 tvíbreitt rúm | Skrifborð, straujárn/strauborð, ókeypis þráðlaus nettenging
Framhlið gististaðar – að kvöld-/næturlagi
Morgunverður, hádegisverður, kvöldverður í boði, bresk matargerðarlist
Inngangur í innra rými
Ravelston House státar af fínustu staðsetningu, því Princes Street verslunargatan og Royal Mile gatnaröðin eru í 15 mínútna akstursfjarlægð. Á staðnum eru veitingastaður og bar/setustofa svo það ætti ekki að væsa um þig í mat og drykk. Skyndibitastaður/sælkeraverslun, verönd og garður eru meðal annarra hápunkta staðarins. Aðrir gestir hafa sagt að meðal helstu kosta gististaðarins sé hjálpsamt starfsfólk.


8,8 af 10

Vinsæl aðstaða

  • Ókeypis morgunverður
  • Veitingastaður
  • Ókeypis bílastæði
  • Móttaka opin 24/7
  • Bar
  • Reyklaust

Meginaðstaða (12)

  • Þrif daglega
  • Á ströndinni
  • Veitingastaður og bar/setustofa
  • Herbergisþjónusta
  • Fundarherbergi
  • Verönd
  • Móttaka opin allan sólarhringinn
  • Garður
  • Skyndibitastaður/sælkeraverslun
  • Svæði fyrir lautarferðir
  • Brúðkaupsþjónusta
  • Farangursgeymsla

Vertu eins og heima hjá þér (6)

  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Sjónvarp
  • Garður
  • Verönd
  • Dagleg þrif
  • Espressókaffivél
Núverandi verð er 8.760 kr.
inniheldur skatta og gjöld
16. mar. - 17. mar.


Síur í boði fyrir herbergi
Sýni 4 af 4 herbergjum

Herbergi með tvíbreiðu rúmi - 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm


Ókeypis vatn á flöskum
Stafrænar sjónvarpsstöðvar
  • 18 ferm.
  • Borgarsýn
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm

Standard-herbergi með tvíbreiðu rúmi


Ókeypis vatn á flöskum
Stafrænar sjónvarpsstöðvar
  • 10 ferm.
  • Borgarsýn
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm

Deluxe-herbergi með tvíbreiðu rúmi - 1 tvíbreitt rúm


Ókeypis vatn á flöskum
Stafrænar sjónvarpsstöðvar
  • 13 ferm.
  • Borgarsýn
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm

Deluxe-herbergi fyrir fjóra


Ókeypis vatn á flöskum
Stafrænar sjónvarpsstöðvar
  • 24 ferm.
  • Borgarsýn
  • Pláss fyrir 4
  • 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm og 2 einbreið rúm EÐA 4 einbreið rúm

Svipaðir gististaðir

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Skráðu þig inn til að sjá gjaldgenga afslætti og ávinninga. Meiri ávinningur fyrir meiri ævintýri!

Um hverfið

182 North High Street, Musselburgh, Scotland, Eh21 6bh

Hvað er í nágrenninu?

  • Musselburgh Racecourse (skeiðvöllur) - 19 mín. ganga - 1.6 km
  • Portobello-ströndin - 3 mín. akstur - 2.1 km
  • Queen Margaret University - 5 mín. akstur - 4.2 km
  • Royal Mile gatnaröðin - 13 mín. akstur - 9.3 km
  • Edinborgarkastali - 15 mín. akstur - 10.4 km


  • Edinborgarflugvöllur (EDI) - 20 mín. akstur
  • Edinburgh Brunstane lestarstöðin - 3 mín. akstur
  • Newcraighall lestarstöðin - 3 mín. akstur
  • Musselburgh lestarstöðin - 22 mín. ganga


  • ‪Costa Coffee - ‬13 mín. ganga
  • ‪Gurkha Bar & Restaurant - ‬6 mín. ganga
  • ‪East Coast - ‬5 mín. ganga
  • ‪Crolla's Italian Kitchen - ‬10 mín. ganga
  • ‪The Sportsman - ‬15 mín. ganga

Um þennan gististað

Ravelston House

Ravelston House státar af fínustu staðsetningu, því Princes Street verslunargatan og Royal Mile gatnaröðin eru í 15 mínútna akstursfjarlægð. Á staðnum eru veitingastaður og bar/setustofa svo það ætti ekki að væsa um þig í mat og drykk. Skyndibitastaður/sælkeraverslun, verönd og garður eru meðal annarra hápunkta staðarins. Aðrir gestir hafa sagt að meðal helstu kosta gististaðarins sé hjálpsamt starfsfólk.





Stærð hótels

    • 7 herbergi


    • Innritunartími hefst kl. 14:00
    • Lágmarksaldur við innritun - 18
    • Útritunartími er 10:00

Sérstakar innritunarleiðbeiningar

    • Móttökustarfsfólk mun taka á móti gestum við komu á gististaðinn

Krafist við innritun

    • Kreditkort, debetkort eða innborgun með reiðufé er nauðsynleg fyrir tilfallandi gjöld
    • Sýna gæti þurft skilríki með mynd, útgefin af yfirvöldum
    • Lágmarksaldur við innritun er 18


    • Engar vöggur (ungbarnarúm)


    • Gæludýr ekki leyfð


    • Ókeypis þráðlaust internet í almennum rýmum
    • Ókeypis þráðlaust internet á herbergjum


    • Ókeypis sjálfsafgreiðslubílastæði á staðnum
    • Bílastæði aðgengileg hjólastólum á svæðinu

Aðrar upplýsingar

    • Reyklaus gististaður

Aðstaða/þjónusta gististaðar

Matur og drykkur

  • Ókeypis enskur morgunverður daglega kl. 08:00–kl. 11:30
  • Veitingastaður
  • Bar/setustofa
  • Herbergisþjónusta (á ákveðnum tímum)
  • Skyndibitastaður/sælkeraverslun

Áhugavert að gera

  • Á ströndinni

Fyrir viðskiptaferðalanga

  • Fundarherbergi


  • Móttaka opin allan sólarhringinn
  • Farangursgeymsla
  • Brúðkaupsþjónusta


  • Garður
  • Svæði fyrir lautarferðir
  • Verönd
  • Veislusalur


  • Bílastæði með hjólastólaaðgengi
  • Móttaka með hjólastólaaðgengi
  • Veitingastaður með hjólastólaaðgengi
  • Setustofa með hjólastólaaðgengi

Aðstaða á herbergi

Afþreying við höndina

  • Flatskjársjónvarp
  • Stafrænar sjónvarpsrásir


  • Kynding
  • Espressókaffivél
  • Rafmagnsketill
  • Straujárn/strauborð (eftir beiðni)

Fyrir útlitið

  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Sturta eingöngu
  • Ókeypis snyrtivörur
  • Hárblásari
  • Handklæði

Vertu í sambandi

  • Skrifborð
  • Ókeypis þráðlaust net

Matur og drykkur

  • Ókeypis vatn á flöskum


  • Dagleg þrif



Veitingastaður á staðnum - Þessi staður er veitingastaður, bresk matargerðarlist er sérgrein staðarins og í boði eru morgunverður, hádegisverður og kvöldverður. Gestir geta fengið sér drykk á barnum.

Gjöld og reglur

Endurbætur og lokanir

Þessi gististaður er lokaður á nýársdag.


Þessi gististaður er undir stjórn atvinnugestgjafa. Að bjóða upp á gistingu er hluti af starfi hans, rekstri og aðalfagi.
Á þessum gististað eru engar lyftur.
Gestir geta sofið rólega því að á staðnum eru slökkvitæki, reykskynjari og öryggiskerfi.
Þessi gististaður tekur við kreditkortum. Ekki er tekið við reiðufé.
Samþykkt kreditkort: Visa, Mastercard

Líka þekkt sem

Ravelston House Hotel
Ravelston House Edinburgh
Ravelston House Hotel Musselburgh
Ravelston House Musselburgh
Ravelston House Hotel
Ravelston House Musselburgh
Ravelston House Hotel Musselburgh

Algengar spurningar

Býður Ravelston House upp á ókeypis afbókun og fulla endurgreiðslu?

Já, Ravelston House býður upp á herbergi sem eru endurgreiðanleg að fullu sem hægt er að bóka á vefnum okkar. Ef þú hefur bókað herbergi á verði sem er endurgreiðanlegt að fullu getur þú afbókað allt niður í nokkra daga fyrir innritun eins og sagt er fyrir um í skilmálum gististaðarins. Við hvetjum þig til að skoða afbókunarreglur gististaðarins til að sjá nákvæma skilmála og skilyrði.

Leyfir Ravelston House gæludýr?

Því miður, gæludýr eru ekki leyfð.

Býður Ravelston House upp á bílastæði á staðnum?

Já, boðið er upp á ókeypis sjálfsafgreiðslubílastæði.

Hvaða innritunar- og útritunartíma er Ravelston House með?

Þú getur innritað þig frá kl. 14:00. Útritunartími er 10:00.

Hvað er hægt að gera á gististaðnum og í nágrenninu þegar maður dvelur á Ravelston House?

Ravelston House er með nestisaðstöðu og garði.

Eru veitingastaðir á Ravelston House eða í nágrenninu?

Já, það er veitingastaður á staðnum, sem er með aðstöðu til að snæða bresk matargerðarlist.

Á hvernig svæði er Ravelston House?

Ravelston House er í einungis 19 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá Musselburgh Racecourse (skeiðvöllur).

Ravelston House - umsagnir







Starfsfólk og þjónusta




Ástand gististaðar og aðstöðu




2/10 Slæmt

The bed was terrible, so terrible that I would not sleep in it if they paid me. The room was clean and nice, but the bed was completely unusable.
Audur, 3 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

6/10 Gott

Narisse, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

G, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

6/10 Gott

Bad luck continuing???
We checked in then weather warning were sent to our phones then we were advised shopping centres around were closing so we made the decision to go home, so although the room looked nice and the bathroom very nice, we didn’t actually stay at the hotel. We had food in the restaurant before we left and it was nice enough
Lesley, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Very happy with our stay
The room was lovely. Well appointed and spacious. I did find it a bit cold bit we turned the radiators up and chucked on the extra duvet from the wardrobe. The only downside was that i never received an email that was apparently sent regarding check in times etc. Unfortunately we then weren't aware that we needed to arrive before 10pm. Thankfully we called the hotel en route to check because the journey was a long one and we had been held up and a member of staff kindly stayed behind to check us in when we got there at 10.30pm. Breakfast was delicious and there was plenty of choice and the lady serving at breakfast was lovely.
Amy, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Karen, 3 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Great hotel. The room and bathroom was really stylish. Saw a couple of cobwebs, which may bother some people. The bed was comfortable and the room was warm. A great choice for breakfast from a full Scottish to pancakes. There was unlimited tea and coffee and cereal. The buses into Edinburgh are regular and drop you right into Princes street so it's just a great location for exploring the city without paying a lot. We would consider staying here again.
Yvette, 3 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Fabulous staff and delicious meaks
Staff were very friendly , helpful and polite.We had breakfasts and dinners there and they were delicious and freshly cooked. Our room was clean but cold on occasions. The shower sealant needs replacing because it has mould on it. Excellent location for getting the bus into Edinburgh.
Vanessa, 4 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Excellent location for races
Overall very good, a couple of little things that would cost the owners minimal amount. 3 keys as no night porter(not an issue) but all silver, a small investment, room key larger so obvious but the 2 front door keys very similar Make one gold and, when told on arrival will make life so much simpler. Plus beautiful shower, but no where to put soap . 7 soap trays, and 7 keys won't cost much but enhance guest experiences immensely without them realising, sometimes little things really help. Having said this will be back with own shower gel to hang on shower😃
wendy, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

David, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Timothy, 1 nætur/nátta viðskiptaferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

Asherah, 3 nætur/nátta ferð með vinum
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Sahad, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

Gurtaik, 1 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Good short stay
Booked in for an overnight stay for visiting relatives. Being a Sunday night the rate was very good and included breakfast. Had a bit of a wait to check in as the duty manager was in another room organizing things for a function but someone in the bar summoned him and all was good. He showed us to our room and gave us all the information regarding late entry and breakfast time. The room was ok although a little tired but it was clean. We also had a walk in shower which is preferable for us instead of a shower over a bath. The hotel has recently done away with the services of a night porter I believe which proved on this occasion to be a bit of an oversight as we were rudely awakened about 4.50am by a loud alarm. I think there were 4 or 5 couples staying and we all assembled outside as this alarm went on for ages until the manager arrived to assure us that there was no fire. Just as well really as all of us took the time to get dressed before assembling outside, it was December after all!! All in all an enjoyable enough stay, breakfast was good so a good all round hotel.
Ian, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Great stay that fitted in petfect with our plans. Location good, easy transport links if needed. Friendly staff.
fiona, 6 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

Matthias, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

Friendly staff on arrival. Bedroom cold on arrival. Had to ask staff to turn the heating on in bedroom. Went out for the evening to come back to a cold bedroom. Heating didn’t come on at all overnight. I was freezing with a thin duvet. An alarm went off after 1am in the hotel then buzzing noises and people talking loud. Told the morning staff about my cold room and they apologied. Breakfast was basic. No fruit etc on offer. Only boxed cereal and hot breakfast (in various forms, fry up, hot rolls) and when I asked for pancakes with berries and cream I was asked if I really wanted them as it’s a big portion. Will never be back.
linda, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Staff were very friendly and welcoming. Room was large, bed was very comfortable. Everything was sparkling clean. Breakfast was excellent. Would highly recommend.
Jayne, 1 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Excellent service and great value for money
Had a wonderful stay at Ravelston House! The staff were incredibly friendly and accommodating, which made the experience feel warm and welcoming from the moment we arrived. The location is fantastic, with excellent transport links that made getting around a breeze. It’s also great value for money, especially considering the level of service provided. The only small issue was a strange smell around the headboard or beddings—almost like wet fabric that hadn’t dried properly. It wasn’t a major problem, but something that could be improved. Overall, a lovely place to stay, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to others. With that minor tweak, it would be absolutely perfect!
Roselle Kristine, 3 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

On average very good! The rooms are a bit on the older side but cozy nonetheless, the only thing that really needs to go is the carpet and the bed could do with some new matresses. Housekeeping could come by a little more often to check for toilet paper etc. The breakfast is really good! And the staff was absolutely lovely! There was a wedding as we were staying there but we didn't have any problems with the noise. Granted, if you are a light sleeper this maybe isn't the hotel for you but it really wasn't that bad as some make it out to be. The life music in the pub eas actually very nice. The location of the Hotel is perfect! The bus stopped right infront of the Hotel and almost every bus went to Edinburgh centre within 20min, also late at night. The small harbour is just a 5min walk from the hotel and down the street there is another nice pub as well. We very much enjoyed our stay.
Esmeralda, 5 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Wonderful staff, a great bar and the restaurant was excellent. I had the beef pie one night and the haddock fish & chips the other. I'm very glad I got the chance to stay here.
Gregory, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

The bedroom was clean and comfortable, had a great sleep( very quiet). The staff were friendly. Decent bar with reasonable prices. My only gripe was breakfast. The beans, mushroom, haggis and black pudding were cold. Would stay again though......
David, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Great little hotel
Lovely little hotel and restaurant with exceptionally good staff in both bar and restaurant, breakfast was lovely, check in and out easy and straightforward.
David, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com