Casa La Terraza de Baracoa Rafael y Adis - umsagnir
Allar umsagnir sem birtast eru eftir raunverulegar upplifanir gesta. Einungis ferðafólk sem hefur bókað dvöl hjá okkur getur sent inn umsögn. Við staðfestum umsagnir út frá viðmiðunarreglum okkar og birtum allar umsagnir, bæði jákvæðar og neikvæðar.Frekari upplýsingarOpnast í nýjum glugga
Starfsfólk og þjónusta
Ástand gististaðar og aðstöðu
8/10 Mjög gott
6. mars 2020
Netter Empfang durch die Gastgeber, sauberes Zimmer, schmackhaftes Abendessen und Frühstück, ideale Lage zum Ortskern, Möglichkeit, den PKW in der Garage des Nachbarn unterzustellen..
Karl-Heinrich, 1 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia
8/10 Mjög gott
23. mars 2019
Très bon accueil, chambre confortable, petit déjeuner sur la terrasse.
Staðfestur gestur
2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia
10/10 Stórkostlegt
22. febrúar 2019
Two nights in Baracoa
Nice rooftop area, decent shower and comfortable room. Owner wasn't there so we were looked after by the daughter in law who was very nice. Good breakfast. Easy walk into centre of town
David, 2 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af
10/10 Stórkostlegt
24. febrúar 2018
Don't hesitate to stay here...!
This was a great casa to stay at. The owners were really helpful and friendly, the room was clean and very comfortable and the location central. We arrived in a hire car and there was even a garage opposite that we were able to use for 2 CUCs for the night. We ate breakfast on a lovely terrace overlooking the town and were made to feel genuinely welcome in Rafael and Adis's home.