Japan is the epitome of the exotic East, with many unique idiosyncrasies waiting to be discovered. Even a simple walk through the city streets presents so many things to do in Japan – walk into a robot restaurant, a pachinko parlour, or a shopping mall and you will be wide-eyed with wonder about the things you see. 

Japan is not only about the big urban centres, and you will find many rewarding activities up in the mountain ranges that runs through the country like a central spine. Skiing and snowboarding is a huge draw, while hiking the nature trails are also popular throughout the year. 

Japan - best að gera á svæðinu

Helstu sögur og fleira skemmtilegt

Japan - hvar er gott að gista?

Byrjaðu að skipuleggja ferðina þína

Asia - einnig vinsælt á svæðinu

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