The planetarium at Seminole State College offers entertaining, theatrical and educational private and public shows about the Earth's neighbourhood. Fully named the Emil Buehler Perpetual Trust Planetarium, its magical and interactive theatre brings the solar system into sharp focus.
The planetarium at Seminole State College has played an integral part in Floridian life for over 25 years, with regular demonstrations and presentations about space and science available to children and adults visiting Orlando. The theatre organises shows that are both educational and fun. The live and interactive shows teach you about gravity, forces, optics, and science's greatest discoveries in an entertaining way.
Planetarium at Seminole State College - one of the highlights of 50 Best Things to Do in Orlando (Read all about Orlando here)
Highlights of the planetarium at Seminole State College
Public shows include traditional star displays, cultural shows, and feature presentations that take spectators on a journey through space and time. The planetarium also hosts events at the college and around Orlando. Solar Saturdays take place on selected Saturdays at Lake Mary Farmer's Market and other locations.
Tickets cost around $6 for adults, $4 for concessions and $4 for children. Pre-schoolers, Seminole State students, faculty and staff can enjoy free entry to shows. Shows typically take place on Friday and Saturdays at 8.30pm.
Planetarium at Seminole State College
Staðsetning: Seminole State College - Sanford/Lake Mary Campus, 100 Weldon Blvd., B, Sanford, FL 32773, USA
Símanúmer: +1 407-708-2360