This hotel makes it's money off the AIRPORT. It literally has AIRPORT in its name, but it doesn't start the shuttle until 5:30 in the morning. My flight was at 6 AM. I complained extensively to Alex, the front desk manager, who had just disappointed another guest who had an early flight. To his credit, he got the shuttle company to show up at 4:30 so that I and 5 other guests made our flights, but the owner should open the schedule up to 4 AM at least because THIS IS THEIR BREAD AN BUTTER. I shoud not have to complain.
Also, the email from (which the owner has control over) does NOT state the hotel's number so you can call them and request pickup the at the AIRPORT. It also doesn't tell you where to wait for their shuttle. If you're tired, layed over by Spirit Airlines may they rot in hell, then you really don't know what's going to happen or how to get picked up.
Seriously, take the guest into consideration! Give them the information to use what you're selling and make what you're selling useful. That's basic business. I know because I owned a hotel for 17 years.