Barefoot at Havelock

3.5 stjörnu gististaður
Hótel á ströndinni með heilsulind með allri þjónustu, Radhanagar ströndin nálægt

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Myndasafn fyrir Barefoot at Havelock

Framhlið gististaðar – að kvöld-/næturlagi
Alþjóðleg matargerðarlist
Andaman Villa | Útsýni úr herberginu
Andaman Villa | Míníbar, öryggishólf í herbergi, rúmföt
Alþjóðleg matargerðarlist


7,8 af 10

Vinsæl aðstaða

  • Heilsulind
  • Bar
  • Ferðir til og frá flugvelli
  • Þvottahús
  • Loftkæling
  • Móttaka opin 24/7
  • Þrif daglega
  • Nálægt ströndinni
  • Veitingastaður og bar/setustofa
  • Heilsulind með allri þjónustu
  • Nudd- og heilsuherbergi
  • Flugvallarskutla
  • Ferðir um nágrennið
  • Móttaka opin allan sólarhringinn
  • Kaffi/te í almennu rými
  • Loftkæling
  • Garður
  • Spila-/leikjasalur
Vertu eins og heima hjá þér
  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Garður
  • Dagleg þrif
  • Þvottaaðstaða
  • Kaffivél/teketill
  • Lyfta
Núverandi verð er 23.944 kr.
inniheldur skatta og gjöld
7. feb. - 8. feb.


Nicobari Villa


Aðskilið svefnherbergi
  • 60 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm

Tented Cottage


Dagleg þrif
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm

Nicobari Cottage


Dagleg þrif
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 1 tvíbreitt rúm

Andaman Villa


Dagleg þrif
  • 33 ferm.
  • Útsýni yfir strönd
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm

Svipaðir gististaðir

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Skráðu þig inn til að sjá gjaldgenga afslætti og ávinninga. Meiri ávinningur fyrir meiri ævintýri!

Um hverfið

Beach No .7, Radhanagar Beach Havelock, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 744211

Hvað er í nágrenninu?

  • Radhanagar ströndin - 8 mín. ganga
  • Elephanta ströndin - 3 mín. akstur
  • Kaala Pathar ströndin - 48 mín. akstur


  • Port Blair (IXZ-Vir Savarkar) - 44,5 km
  • Flugvallarskutla (aukagjald)
  • Skutla um svæðið (aukagjald)


  • ‪Turtle House - ‬3 mín. akstur
  • ‪Full Moon Cafe - ‬12 mín. akstur
  • ‪Bo No Va - ‬12 mín. akstur
  • ‪Squid Restaurant - ‬11 mín. akstur
  • ‪Fat Martin Cafe - ‬13 mín. akstur

Um þennan gististað

Barefoot at Havelock

Barefoot at Havelock er á frábærum stað, Radhanagar ströndin er í einungis 10 mínútna göngufjarlægð. Gestir geta heimsótt heilsulindina og farið í nudd, ilmmeðferðir eða hand- og fótsnyrtingu, auk þess sem alþjóðleg matargerðarlist er borin fram á The Swimming Elephant. Bar/setustofa, skyndibitastaður/sælkeraverslun og garður eru einnig á staðnum.


Enska, hindí



Stærð hótels

    • 31 herbergi


    • Innritun hefst: kl. 13:00. Innritun lýkur: kl. 18:00
    • Síðbúin innritun háð framboði
    • Útritunartími er kl. 11:00

Sérstakar innritunarleiðbeiningar

    • Móttökustarfsfólk mun taka á móti gestum við komu á gististaðinn
    • Aðgangur að eyjunni er takmarkaður og háður skriflegu aðgangsleyfi (Restricted Access Permit, RAP). Leyfi eru gefin út af útlendingastofnun við komu á Port Blair. Ríkisborgurum Afganistan, Kína og Pakistan, erlendum ríkisborgurum af pakistönskum uppruna, erlendum diplómötum sem ekki eru indverskir ríkisborgarar, meðlimum Sameinuðu þjóðanna eða alþjóðlegra samtaka með diplómatísk/opinber vegabréf og einstaklingum með vegabréfsáritanir sem tengjast blaðamennsku, rannsóknum og ráðstefnum er ekki veitt skriflegt aðgangsleyfi nema að fengnu fyrirframsamþykki innanríkisráðuneytis Indlands.

Krafist við innritun

    • Kreditkort, debetkort eða innborgun með reiðufé er nauðsynleg fyrir tilfallandi gjöld
    • Sýna gæti þurft skilríki með mynd, útgefin af yfirvöldum


    • Engar vöggur (ungbarnarúm)


    • Engin gæludýr eða þjónustudýr leyfð


    • Ókeypis sjálfsafgreiðslubílastæði á staðnum


    • Skutluþjónusta á flugvöll allan sólarhringinn*

Utan svæðis

    • Skutluþjónusta*

Aðrar upplýsingar

    • Afmörkuð reykingasvæði

Aðstaða/þjónusta gististaðar

Matur og drykkur

  • Veitingastaður
  • Bar/setustofa
  • Kaffi/te í almennu rými
  • Skyndibitastaður/sælkeraverslun

Áhugavert að gera

  • Aðgangur að strönd
  • Bátsferðir í nágrenninu
  • Köfun í nágrenninu


  • Móttaka opin allan sólarhringinn
  • Þjónusta gestastjóra
  • Aðstoð við miða-/ferðakaup
  • Fatahreinsun/þvottaþjónusta
  • Farangursgeymsla
  • Hjólaleiga


  • Öryggishólf í móttöku
  • Garður
  • Bókasafn
  • Moskítónet
  • Spila-/leikjasalur
  • Heilsulind með fullri þjónustu
  • Nudd- og heilsuherbergi
  • Skápar í boði
  • Garðhúsgögn
  • Gönguleið að vatni


  • Lyfta

Aðstaða á herbergi


  • Loftkæling
  • Vifta í lofti
  • Míníbar
  • Kaffivél/teketill
  • Rafmagnsketill
  • Gluggatjöld

Sofðu rótt

  • Kvöldfrágangur
  • Rúmföt í boði

Fyrir útlitið

  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Sturta eingöngu
  • Ókeypis snyrtivörur
  • Hárblásari
  • Handklæði
  • Salernispappír

Matur og drykkur

  • Ókeypis tepokar/skyndikaffi


  • Dagleg þrif
  • Öryggishólf á herbergjum
  • Handbækur/leiðbeiningar



Heilsulindin á staðnum er með 2 meðferðarherbergi, þar á meðal herbergi fyrir pör. Á meðal þjónustu eru nudd og hand- og fótsnyrting. Í heilsulindinni býðst fjöldi meðferðarleiða, svo sem ilmmeðferð.


The Swimming Elephant - Þessi staður er veitingastaður og alþjóðleg matargerðarlist er sérgrein staðarins.
Dugong Dugong- Lounge Bar - bar á staðnum. Opið daglega

Gjöld og reglur


Þú verður beðin/n að greiða eftirfarandi gjöld á gististaðnum við innritun eða útritun. Gjöld gætu verið með viðeigandi sköttum inniföldum:
  • Miðaverð á fullorðinn fyrir galakvöldverð á aðfangadag (24. desember): 13200 INR
  • Barnamiði fyrir galakvöldverð á aðfangadag (24. desember): 3300 INR (frá 6 til 12 ára)
  • Miðaverð á fullorðinn fyrir galakvöldverð á gamlárskvöld (31. desember): 20400 INR
  • Barnamiði á galakvöldverð á gamlárskvöld (31. desember): 5400 INR (frá 6 til 12 ára)


  • Flugvallarskutla er í boði og kostar aukalega 4800.00 INR á mann (báðar leiðir)
  • Svæðisrúta býðst fyrir aukagjald

Börn og aukarúm

  • Aukarúm eru í boði fyrir INR 3540 á nótt

Sundlaugar, heilsulind og líkamsrækt (ef við á)

  • Nuddþjónusta og heilsulind eru í boði gegn pöntun, sem hægt er að framkvæma með því að hafa samband við gististaðinn fyrir komu í númerinu í bókunarstaðfestingunni.


Þessi gististaður er undir stjórn atvinnugestgjafa. Að bjóða upp á gistingu er hluti af starfi hans, rekstri og aðalfagi.
Gestir geta sofið rólega því að á staðnum eru slökkvitæki, öryggiskerfi og fyrstuhjálparkassi.
Þessi gististaður tekur við kreditkortum og debetkortum. Ekki er tekið við reiðufé.
Athugið að samfélagsleg viðmið og reglur fyrir gesti geta verið mismunandi milli landa og gististaða. Reglurnar sem eru birtar koma frá gististaðnum.

Líka þekkt sem

Barefoot Havelock Resort
Barefoot Havelock
Barefoot Havelock Island
Barefoot Hotel Havelock Island
Barefoot At Havelock Hotel Havelock Island
Barefoot at Havelock Hotel
Barefoot at Havelock Port Blair
Barefoot at Havelock Hotel Port Blair

Algengar spurningar

Leyfir Barefoot at Havelock gæludýr?

Því miður, hvorki gæludýr né þjónustudýr eru leyfð.

Býður Barefoot at Havelock upp á bílastæði á staðnum?

Já, boðið er upp á ókeypis sjálfsafgreiðslubílastæði.

Býður Barefoot at Havelock upp á flugvallarskutluþjónustu?

Já, flugvallarskutla er í boði. Gjaldið er 4800.00 INR á mann báðar leiðir.

Hvaða innritunar- og útritunartíma er Barefoot at Havelock með?

Innritunartími hefst: kl. 13:00. Innritunartíma lýkur: kl. 18:00. Útritunartími er kl. 11:00.

Hvað er hægt að gera á gististaðnum og í nágrenninu þegar maður dvelur á Barefoot at Havelock?

Njóttu þess að ýmiss konar útivist stendur til boða í grenndinni, en þar á meðal eru bátsferðir, stangveiðar og köfun. Njóttu þín í heilsulindinni og nýttu þér líka að staðurinn er með heilsulindarþjónustu og spilasal. Barefoot at Havelock er þar að auki með garði.

Eru veitingastaðir á Barefoot at Havelock eða í nágrenninu?

Já, The Swimming Elephant er með aðstöðu til að snæða alþjóðleg matargerðarlist.

Á hvernig svæði er Barefoot at Havelock?

Barefoot at Havelock er í einungis 8 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá Radhanagar ströndin.

Barefoot at Havelock - umsagnir







Starfsfólk og þjónusta




Ástand gististaðar og aðstöðu




8/10 Mjög gott

Preeti, 5 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

2/10 Slæmt

DO NOT BOOK TO GO HERE - THEY WILL NOT ADMIT THEY HAVE A PROBLEM BUT LOOK UP THE DEATH HERE DUE TO MAN EATING CROCODILES - THIS IS TOO NEAR A SANCTUARY AND THEREFORE DANGEROUS. The government also denies it. The numbers have massively escalated since the Tsunami. At worst they will have beaches closed if there is a sighting. Can you really relax on this beach with your eyes closed?! Evidence for Money reclaim: • Police will refuse to intervene – in the sea • “Survivors will be prosecuted” • Massive increase in crocodiles being ignored due to hiding the problem from tourists • Barefoot Resort itself has seen death of tourist • Andamans are seeing large increases in deaths • Even if not killed by crocodile, beaches are frequently closed if any sighting – hotel says recent sightings occur. • Barefoot Hotel is being negligent for our safety and concerns in refusing to give us a refund • No signs warning you not to go into the sea!!! You can still go in. • There is a nearby Loha Barrack Sanctuary of Saltwater crocdiles • Government under criticism of not taking action to either ban swimming or ban the crocodile sanctuary nearby ARTICLE WIKIPEDIA TRENDS Source: • In April 2010, a 25-year-old woman from New Jersey was killed by a saltwater crocodile while snorkeling in India's Andaman Islands. Havelock Island, where the attack took place, lies 72 kilometres (45 mi) from the Lohabarrack Salt Water Crocodile Sanctuary. Her boyf
Samantha, 4 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

Very highly priced for absolutely no amenities in the resort. Will never recommend this property to anyone else.
Ranadip, 4 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

6/10 Gott

The resort is good,but the afterservice is lacking
The resort was enjoyable, with friendly staff and an awesome beach. The food was satisfactory. Additionally, they arranged a great Holi celebration, which was a highlight. However, despite multiple follow-ups, they have yet to share the pictures taken during the celebration.
anshul, 1 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Paradise island
Séjour exceptionnel dans un cadre idyllique. Le lodge est très propre et bien entretenu. L’empreinte écologique est prise très au sérieux et ceci permet à une variété d’espèces endémiques à l’île de s’approcher du lodge. Par ailleurs un des grands plus est l’accès privatif à la plage de Radhnagar qui est une des plus belles d’Asie. La plage est publique, mais l’accès privé du Lodge mène sur un tronçon presque vide de la plage ce qui permet de profiter plaine ment de cette plage idyllique. La cuisine du restaurant du lodge est également très bonne. Par contre l’accès au wifi se fait au niveau de la réception/bar/restaurant mais n’arrivait pas à notre chambre.
Nicolas, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

8/10 Mjög gott

We loved the location and the unique nature of the property. It felt like we were in the middle of a jungle and back to nature with only noise being birds chirping. The beach was one of the cleanest and best we have seen. Staff were very courteous and helpful and able to deal with any enquiry. Breakfast was excellent but generally bar and food prices were high. The only thing we didn’t like was the lighting around the property and the uneven path. Our cottage was a bit of a distance from the restaurant and finding our way back in the dark was dangerous and a real nightmare as we are elderly and not too steady on our feet!
Jayalaxmi Kodialbail, 3 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Karan, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

I checked out on the second day and they charged me for 4 days. I had to check out due to death of my uncle. They did not helped me out in any way.
Manraj, 3 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

SUNIL, 1 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

2/10 Slæmt

Not value for money. Overcharged with no room facility at all. Also, there is no other facility at property like SPA. No lighting at the property. Food is good but costly. Not at all happy. There are other properties around which has better services at lower rate.
Mirza Mohd Nadeem, 2 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

A unique property in the middle of the rain forest and less than two minutes walk from the pristine Radha Nagar beach. The perfect location if you are looking for a laid back and peaceful stay. The only drawback is the paths to and from the cottages, which get muddy if it rains.
Rishiraj, 5 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

4/10 Sæmilegt

Highly overrated property without basic facilities
We stayed in barefoot resort for 4 days Good things: it happens to near one of the best beaches in Asia that is Radhanagar beach, peaceful property surrounded by forest so natural, food is pricy but good Problems: the property manager have not bothered to maintained the road to the property, to the beach and to the rooms, there are no lights in way to your room, there is no room services (there is not even telephone or emergency button in case you need any medical help, the cottages are far from reception) rustic means furnitures and room fittings and AC maintenance not done for years, they have not bother to provide basic facility of mosquito repellant in room (there are too many mosquitos and insects around particularly during rainy days). There are no activities for kids (except carrom board at reception) Management didn’t bother to put rest benches or hammock on beach (I wonder how would this affect peace). There are some old mats lying around and no guests were using it. Most importantly there is no emergency medical kit available, the nearest medical facility in 10 km away and this resort is isolated from main town. Overall this place may be good for digital detox for some people who are extensively watching TV and overusing Internet (mind you Airtel has good range in the resort) not good for kids, elderly and family travellers. We will not stay here again.
Roshan, 4 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

6/10 Gott

Sarvesh, 4 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Lovely resort, will be returning
What a lovely resort! The staff were so friendly and helpful. Nothing was too much trouble for the management team. We were there when the coronavirus hit and they really went out of their way to make sure we were looked after and enjoyed our time there. On our last night, the hotel was going to shut down, with no ide when they will be able to re-open - the staff team gave an impromptu concert and dinner was served out in the open. After checking out, the manager came with us to the port to make sure there was no problem with our ferry booking and that we got away ok. I really cannot speak highly enough of the team there. The food is great too.
Neil, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Fully equiped cottages/tents in a somewhat dense looking jungle within 200m from Radhanagar Beach, the best beach in India for sure. The stay at Barefoot is a completely different experience because of the silence, sounds of birds, sea and jungle insects. A perfect place to stay away from all the digital displays (Yes, they don't have TVs). Food is tasty, delicately flavored and hygienic here, though, a bit on the costlier side. The resort ranks high on safety and cleanliness despite being surrounded by a jungle full of insects. Sometimes you may be surprised by live singing performance at the lounge and bar area which is usually filled with foreigners.
1 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Amazing place at amazing location
Beach number 7 is the best beach in Havelock But that is not the story... Barefoot team is doing all they can to be your family for the duration of the stay and they are doing excellent work Very friendly stuff great food at the restaurant , excellent bar and atmosphere In addition service is amazing including serving tea to the beach every day on sunset Very clean cottages and you have all you need Don’t miss the Yoga lesson each day at 6AM Each day they have live music at the Bar with amazing and fun singer lady
Hanan, 5 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Staying at Barefoor has been one of my best vacation experiences. The place is close to Radhanagat beach and is mostly self-sustained. There's an excellent restaurant, massage place, and options of many activities within the property itself. But the most outstanding part for me was the staff- they were always ready to help with anything and everything. I have not received this amazing customer service at any other place. For anyone going to Havelock, this is an excellent place to stay if it fits your budget.
4 nætur/nátta ferð með vinum
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

The property is in a dense forest setup and is recommended for people who will like the rustic, calm, quiet and a very welcoming place. The place has added features to make your stay even more relaxing as there is no wifi and mobile network. So you get cut off from your daily cores and can just relax. It is not for people who would like to have wifi and connectivity during their stay.
abhi, 4 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Anne, 4 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Fantastic place it’s really a jungle! Close to the beach maybe it would be nice to be able to have a sun bed!
Peter, 3 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Paradise by paradise beach
Wonderful food, professional and attentive staff. Clean and extremly comfortable Andaman cottage. 2 min walking from one of the world’s most beautiful beaches. Make sure to book all your nights in advance as the prices offered directly by the hotel is way higher than what you find online.
Eleonor, 3 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

8/10 Mjög gott

The property has character, easy access to a private portion of the beautiful radhanagar beach. The kitchen staff is friendly, kind and extremely hospitable.
3 nætur/nátta ferð með vinum
Sannreynd umsögn gests af

10/10 Stórkostlegt

Beautiful location on quiet beach away from the crowds who congregate further down the beach. Nice rooms and very welcoming and helpful staff. incredibly quiet and relaxing place.
3 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af