A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan

3.0 stjörnu gististaður
Hótel nálægt höfninni með veitingastað, Aðalströnd El Nido nálægt.

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Myndasafn fyrir A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan

Smáatriði í innanrými
Geymsla fyrir búnað
Penthouse | Skrifborð, myrkratjöld/-gardínur, straujárn/strauborð, aukarúm
Penthouse | Útsýni úr herberginu
A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan er með þakverönd auk þess sem Aðalströnd El Nido er í einungis nokkura skrefa fjarlægð. Þegar hungrið sverfur að er tilvalið að fara út að borða á Rooftop, sem er með útsýni yfir hafið. Sérhæfing staðarins er héraðsbundin matargerðarlist.


4,8 af 10

Vinsæl aðstaða

  • Heilsurækt
  • Gæludýravænt
  • Ferðir til og frá flugvelli
  • Barnagæsla
  • Móttaka opin 24/7
  • Loftkæling

Meginaðstaða (12)

  • Þrif daglega
  • Nálægt ströndinni
  • Veitingastaður
  • Þakverönd
  • Herbergisþjónusta
  • Barnagæsla
  • Flugvallarskutla
  • Móttaka opin allan sólarhringinn
  • Kaffi/te í almennu rými
  • Loftkæling
  • Öryggishólf í móttöku
  • Matvöruverslun/sjoppa

Vertu eins og heima hjá þér (6)

  • Barnagæsluþjónusta
  • Hjólarúm/aukarúm í boði (ókeypis)
  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Úrvalssjónvarpsstöðvar
  • Dagleg þrif
  • Kaffivél/teketill
Núverandi verð er 6.317 kr.
inniheldur skatta og gjöld
1. maí - 2. maí


Síur í boði fyrir herbergi
Sýni 6 af 6 herbergjum

Fjölskylduherbergi - sjávarsýn


Endurbætur gerðar árið 2024
  • 20 ferm.
  • Útsýni yfir hafið
  • Pláss fyrir 4
  • 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm, 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm og 1 einbreitt rúm

Deluxe-herbergi fyrir þrjá


Endurbætur gerðar árið 2024
  • 15 ferm.
  • Útsýni yfir hafið
  • Pláss fyrir 3
  • 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm og 1 japönsk fútondýna (stór einbreið)



Endurbætur gerðar árið 2024
  • 15 ferm.
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm



Endurbætur gerðar árið 2024
  • 15 ferm.
  • Útsýni yfir hafið
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 meðalstórt tvíbreitt rúm og 1 japönsk fútondýna (stór einbreið)

Deluxe-herbergi með tvíbreiðu rúmi


Endurbætur gerðar árið 2024
  • 15 ferm.
  • Útsýni yfir hafið
  • Pláss fyrir 2
  • 1 stórt tvíbreitt rúm



Endurbætur gerðar árið 2024
  • 25 ferm.
  • Útsýni til fjalla
  • Pláss fyrir 4
  • 2 meðalstór tvíbreið rúm

Svipaðir gististaðir

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Skráðu þig inn til að sjá gjaldgenga afslætti og ávinninga. Meiri ávinningur fyrir meiri ævintýri!

Um hverfið

Serena Street, Barangay Buenas Suerte, El Nido, Palawan, 5313

Hvað er í nágrenninu?

  • Bacuit-flói - 1 mín. ganga - 0.1 km
  • Aðalströnd El Nido - 1 mín. ganga - 0.1 km
  • El Nido bryggjan - 2 mín. ganga - 0.2 km
  • Corong Corong-ströndin - 19 mín. ganga - 1.7 km
  • Seven Commando ströndin - 19 mín. akstur - 0.4 km


  • Flugvallarskutla (aukagjald)


  • ‪Angel Wish - ‬2 mín. ganga
  • ‪Grounded - ‬3 mín. ganga
  • ‪Jarace Grill - ‬2 mín. ganga
  • ‪Ver de El Nido - ‬4 mín. ganga
  • ‪Art Café - ‬1 mín. ganga

Um þennan gististað

A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan

A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan er með þakverönd auk þess sem Aðalströnd El Nido er í einungis nokkura skrefa fjarlægð. Þegar hungrið sverfur að er tilvalið að fara út að borða á Rooftop, sem er með útsýni yfir hafið. Sérhæfing staðarins er héraðsbundin matargerðarlist.


Enska, filippínska


Stærð hótels

    • 12 herbergi
    • Er á meira en 5 hæðum


    • Innritun hefst: kl. 14:00. Innritun lýkur: á miðnætti
    • Lágmarksaldur við innritun - 18
    • Útritunartími er á hádegi

Sérstakar innritunarleiðbeiningar

    • Þessi gististaður býður upp á ferðir frá flugvelli (aukagjald kann að vera innheimt). Gestir verða að hafa samband við staðinn með komuupplýsingar 72 klst. fyrir komu og nota til þess samskiptaupplýsingarnar í bókunarstaðfestingunni.
    • Móttökustarfsfólk mun taka á móti gestum við komu á gististaðinn
    • Engin innritun er í boði eftir venjulegan opnunartíma á þessum gististað.

Krafist við innritun

    • Kreditkort, debetkort eða innborgun með reiðufé er nauðsynleg fyrir tilfallandi gjöld
    • Sýna gæti þurft skilríki með mynd, útgefin af yfirvöldum
    • Lágmarksaldur við innritun er 18


    • Engar vöggur (ungbarnarúm)
    • Barnagæsla


    • Gæludýr leyfð*


    • Ókeypis þráðlaust internet í almennum rýmum
    • Ókeypis þráðlaust internet á herbergjum (hraði: 50+ Mbps)


    • Bílastæði á staðnum eru einungis í boði samkvæmt beiðni


    • Flugvallarskutla gengur frá kl. 06:00 til kl. 18:00*

Aðrar upplýsingar

    • Afmörkuð reykingasvæði

Aðstaða/þjónusta gististaðar

Matur og drykkur

  • Veitingastaður
  • Kaffi/te í almennu rými
  • Samnýttur ísskápur
  • Herbergisþjónusta allan sólarhringinn
  • Vatnsvél

Ferðast með börn

  • Barnagæsla á herbergjum (aukagjald)
  • Matvöruverslun/sjoppa

Áhugavert að gera

  • Karaoke
  • Nálægt ströndinni
  • Ókeypis afnot af líkamsræktaraðstöðu
  • Kajaksiglingar í nágrenninu
  • Köfun í nágrenninu
  • Vespur/reiðhjól með hjálparvél til leigu í nágrenninu
  • Svifvír í nágrenninu

Fyrir viðskiptaferðalanga

  • Fundarherbergi
  • Ráðstefnurými (60 fermetra)


  • Móttaka opin allan sólarhringinn
  • Þjónusta gestastjóra
  • Aðstoð við miða-/ferðakaup
  • Hárgreiðslustofa
  • Farangursgeymsla
  • Brúðkaupsþjónusta


  • 1 bygging/turn
  • Byggt 2011
  • Hraðbanki/bankaþjónusta
  • Öryggishólf í móttöku
  • Þakverönd
  • Sjónvarp í almennu rými
  • Veislusalur


  • Aðgengileg flugvallarskutla

Aðstaða á herbergi

Afþreying við höndina

  • 32-tommu LCD-sjónvarp
  • Úrvals kapalrásir


  • Loftkæling
  • Espressókaffivél
  • Rafmagnsketill
  • Straujárn/strauborð (eftir beiðni)

Sofðu rótt

  • Myrkratjöld/-gardínur
  • Hjóla-/aukarúm (aukagjald)
  • Rúmföt í boði

Fyrir útlitið

  • Einkabaðherbergi
  • Regnsturtuhaus
  • Sturta eingöngu
  • Skolskál
  • Ókeypis snyrtivörur
  • Hárblásari
  • Handklæði

Vertu í sambandi

  • Skrifborð
  • Ókeypis þráðlaust net (50+ Mbps gagnahraði)
  • Ókeypis innanbæjarsímtöl

Matur og drykkur

  • Ókeypis vatn á flöskum


  • Dagleg þrif



Rooftop - Þessi staður er veitingastaður með útsýni yfir hafið og héraðsbundin matargerðarlist er sérgrein staðarins. Gestir geta pantað drykki á barnum og snætt undir berum himni (þegar veður leyfir).

Gjöld og reglur


  • Flugvallarskutla er í boði og kostar aukalega 1200 PHP á mann (aðra leið)

Börn og aukarúm

  • Barnapössun á herbergjum er í boði gegn aukagjaldi
  • Aukarúm eru í boði fyrir PHP 500.0 á nótt
  • Gjald í flugvallarútu fyrir börn frá 1 til 7 er 1200 PHP (aðra leið)


  • Gæludýr eru leyfð gegn aukagjaldi, PHP 500 á gæludýr, fyrir dvölina


  • Gestir verða að hafa samband við þennan gististað með fyrirvara til að panta bílastæði á staðnum


Þessi gististaður er undir stjórn atvinnugestgjafa. Að bjóða upp á gistingu er hluti af starfi hans, rekstri og aðalfagi.
Aðeins skráðir gestir mega vera á herbergjunum.
Á þessum gististað eru engar lyftur.
Gestir geta sofið rólega því að á staðnum eru kolsýringsskynjari, slökkvitæki, reykskynjari og fyrstuhjálparkassi.
Þessi gististaður tekur við kreditkortum, debetkortum og reiðufé.
Samþykkt kreditkort: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB International

Líka þekkt sem

APTR - A Place To Remember El Nido
Place Remember El Nido
Place Remember Hotel
Place Remember Hotel El Nido
APTR - A Place To Remember El Nido, Palawan Island
A Place to Remember
A To Remember Nido Palawan
A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan Hotel
A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan El Nido
A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan Hotel El Nido

Algengar spurningar

Býður A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan upp á ókeypis afbókun og fulla endurgreiðslu?

Já, A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan býður upp á herbergi sem eru endurgreiðanleg að fullu sem hægt er að bóka á vefnum okkar. Ef þú hefur bókað herbergi á verði sem er endurgreiðanlegt að fullu getur þú afbókað allt niður í nokkra daga fyrir innritun eins og sagt er fyrir um í skilmálum gististaðarins. Við hvetjum þig til að skoða afbókunarreglur gististaðarins til að sjá nákvæma skilmála og skilyrði.

Leyfir A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan gæludýr?

Já, gæludýr mega dvelja á gististaðnum. Greiða þarf gjald að upphæð 500 PHP á gæludýr, fyrir dvölina.

Býður A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan upp á flugvallarskutluþjónustu?

Já, flugvallarskutla er í boði frá kl. 06:00 til kl. 18:00 eftir beiðni. Gjaldið er 1200 PHP á mann aðra leið.

Hvaða innritunar- og útritunartíma er A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan með?

Innritunartími hefst: kl. 14:00. Innritunartíma lýkur: á miðnætti. Útritunartími er á hádegi.

Hvað er hægt að gera á gististaðnum og í nágrenninu þegar maður dvelur á A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan?

Njóttu þess að ýmiss konar útivist stendur til boða í grenndinni, en þar á meðal eru bátsferðir, kajaksiglingar og köfun.

Eru veitingastaðir á A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan eða í nágrenninu?

Já, Rooftop er með aðstöðu til að snæða utandyra, héraðsbundin matargerðarlist og með útsýni yfir hafið.

Á hvernig svæði er A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan?

A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan er nálægt Aðalströnd El Nido í hverfinu Barangay Buena Suerte, í einungis 1 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá Bacuit-flói og 19 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá Corong Corong-ströndin.

A Place to Remember El Nido Palawan - umsagnir






Starfsfólk og þjónusta




Ástand gististaðar og aðstöðu




8/10 Mjög gott

Stället var ganska slitet, personalen svår att få tag på. 3 skällande hundar sprang runt i hotellet och även kissade på golvet, ganska osmakligt. Läget väldigt bra, nära till allt och gångavstånd till/från färjan.
Jonas, 4 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

I Choosed this hotel because it was in the center,very close to everywhere .But, where I'm at hotel I'm disappointed.Definitely it was dirty ,and very old hotel.There were all kinds of insects in the room.Anyway I never reccomend this hotel.
UMIT, 6 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

Priscila, 1 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

6/10 Gott

Earl, 2 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

What a mess...
I will not recommend A Place to Remember, El Nido to anyone because of our experience. The room for 4 has no space for you to move around the room. The bed was clean and comfy, but the tv was not working and the staff made it work for us, the electrical sucket in the Wall was falling apart, the bathroom has no rug and slippery, the sink was dripping water, we have to shut it off every time we use, the shower is not working right, the towel holder was falling off, no soap or shampoo or body wash in the containers and there’s cockroaches... I think we paid a lot so I expect more...will never come back there! We paid for the room P27,190.53 for 3 nights/P4,979.51 x 3 nights =P14,938.58 but the taxes and fees cost me P12,182.40. We asked the owner about the taxes and fees and he said he doesn’t know, that taxes and fees doesn’t go to them, they said ask hotels.com about that, I’m so confused on who to asked. Can you help please? We also used hotels.com for our Coron trip and I did not pay much for taxes and fees and our hotel room was 3x better.
Consuelo, 3 nætur/nátta fjölskylduferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

4/10 Sæmilegt

The staff was helpful and welcoming. The room itself had a king size bed plus a twin bed: you open the door and stumble on the twin bed which is squeezed on the other bed. There's only space to walk around the bed and to put your luggages on the floor. It's suffocating. There is no real window in the room and it smells like humidity. Also, some of the staff smokes right outside the frnt door (which is never close during the day) so there's a string smell of cigarette when you get out the room (we were on the first floor).
Marie-Hélène, 2 nætur/nátta ferð með vinum
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

camera piccola, sporca, senza finestre, nessun accessorio tipo armadio cassetti ecc.
2 nætur/nátta ferð með vinum
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Perfectly located near the marina and away from the business noise.
4 nætur/nátta ferð með vinum
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

8/10 Mjög gott

Good place for a few nights
Really good breakfast, very helpful with scheduling tours, bed was very comfortable. The wifi did not work in the room, free water to refill, refrigerator was helpful in the room, had to ask for hangers for clothes, needed a better set up for drying wet clothes from the beach. The bathroom floor mat did not get replaced with clean mat. Could use some type of wall decoration to make the room feel hospitable. AC worked well.
Walter, 6 nætur/nátta rómantísk ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

A place to remember, but not for the right reasons
The room smelled of mold. The air conditioning, while functioning, was load to the point of disturbing sleep. There was no wifi on any of the floors. The view from the terrace is great though, and the breakfast was ok.
2 nætur/nátta ferð með vinum
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

I am trying to get my money back for 3 days
4 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

10/10 Stórkostlegt

El Nido is a very isolated location and resources are scarce. These guys made you feel like you were visiting family from a far. There is everything you need within feet of the property. Have now illusion dreams of Hawaii here. It is a “Hole,” but a very nice treasure of a Hole. Love the Dive shop next door.... lots of activities to engage in.
Julius, 5 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

Needed a lot changes to keep your business...
I hate to write review and complain however our experience to this hotel was very bad. The whole stay, the tour, the private Van. The hotel bathroom was dirty, the water smell was very bad, we had to buy a gallons of water for shower and tooth brush. We ask for private tour it wasn’t organized they didn’t explain us which is the first place to go according to the weather. Aside from that they brought us to where short cut, very scary wave. It was really scary, I noticed there was no boat who pass there it was just us and just told us it’s normal. I never seen normal like that. We all got Nervous. I guess they were trying to cheap the Gasoline since we pay it by private tour. We spent 20,000 on that tour we didn’t see 4 places coz they were trying to skip it I think they just want to go home early. I’m glad I insisted coz could have not seen a beautiful lagoon...The captain and tour guide was not nice except our chef who cook good food. Here comes to our private van on our way to the airport there was 2 passengers on the front when we clearly said that it’s private. I guess the owner wants to get cheap again. We paid 10,000 for private van only to find out they were tying to make money and put some passengers in there. The only good side is the breakfast place on top other than that everything was horrible experience. Don’t be confident because of a good location. You need a lot changes to keep the business. There is a lot of competitors.
Rose, 3 nætur/nátta ferð
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Expedia

2/10 Slæmt

To be avoided
We hated our stay at APTR for many reasons: - rooms: small, smelly and no windows! - water: the water even we knew it was not for drinking, we were not expecting to take showers with dirty ( yellow) and smelly water ( very bad toilet smell) - breakfast: very basic and no refill is done. Better to go somewhere else for breakfast. The hotel has done a lot of overbooking resulting in some people without any room and there unhappy. I will never recommend this place.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

An absolute disappointment.
I highly recommend that you look for somewhere else to stay. This hotel is one of the most unprofessionally managed places I have seen. First, we were given their choice penthouse suite. An absolute dump of a room. Not to mention the fact that the hotel handy man's sleeping quarters are only accessible from the penthouse balcony. When we were taken through the restaurant to our room, my family, and I were horrified to see the managers husband sitting at one of the tables in his underwear watching television while eating his dinner! My family was so disgusted by the place that we immediately checked out of the place and drove 4 hours to Puerto Princesa.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Travelocity

6/10 Gott

One of the better ones
Like all hotels at El Nino it was small and overpriced. However it was clean and new. Breakfast was much better than expected and it was close to the beach with great views from the roof.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

4/10 Sæmilegt

No. Just no.
I would not recommend a stay at this hotel. I booked the penthouse for the advertised view and what wasn't mentioned is that the view (besides not being private) is obscured by a very, very dirty piece of plastic. When I arrived and many times throughout my stay, hotel staff was not visible/available. They don't monitor the front desk-even during business hours. When my itinerary changed and I needed to extend by a day, I chatted with the receptionist and she said that she'd check with the manager and let me know. Two days later...still no response. I asked twice more after that and without any information I just decided to move to another spot which was MUCH cleaner and definitely a better deal. I must also say that the "hot" water including water pressure was nearly nonexistent. I never ate breakfast but that's because it didn't look appetizing. I recommend looking elsewhere.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

Don't stay this hotel horrible
Well it was ok, but our suite was not a suite,it was a standard room with a view. We come from Las Vegas, and we know what is a suite., The air con went out the 2nd day, and most of the day was a brown out. So, that did not help either. The ceiling also leaked when it rained. No wifi, even though it was advertised.dont stay in this place to forget
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Todo bien, no había más lugares cuando llegamos y nos ubicaron sin problemas en una habitación superior.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

A place to forget - (No Booking Mam)
I couldn't leVe the review I wanted as there was so many bad points 1500 characters was not enough, so to summarise. 1. Denied they had our booking even though paid in full 2. Offered inferior cheaper room with no window looking out under stairs and dirty mattresses. 3. Sent us to the hotel next door for 1 night and to come back tomorrow. 4. Found our room unlocked after coming back one night 5. Moved all our belongings to fit 2 additional unwanted beds, get the room ready after we checkout please! 6. In moving belongings mixed up dirty laundry, with clean clothes 7. Breakfast was awful 8. Family members seemed to take over breakfast room and at night kept us awake til 1am 9. Definitely not worth the high price we paid Don't stay here unless you want them handling your dirty underwear! And leaving room unlocked.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Decent room and great breakfast.
The room was fine ... a bit small but clean and the breakfast was delicious and different every morning which was awesome. Ask for the rooms that aren't on the ground floor because those are better and more quiet.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

Not recommended
in good area but to noisy on first floor No hot water second floor No generator when black outs (When all the hotels have one)
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

2/10 Slæmt

A place to forget
sadly booked 3 nights - everyday something went wrong so moved rooms every night first noisy first floor then no hot water till the last night just moved to the hotel next door Aqua since there was no electricty at all. Wifi doesn't work anywhere. only hotel that seems to not have a generator working when there are electricty black outs.(that happen a lot) Aqua next door was much nicer for the same price but don't expect anything fancy from both.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

8/10 Mjög gott

Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com

6/10 Gott

Good value for location and standard accomodation.
We had the family room on the 4th floor. Great view and very quiet, very relaxing. The room had all the basics you need with good air condition. Wifi was very slow and only worked on the 3rd floor as everyone said but it wasn't a problem for us (we were there to relax and be on vacation) Awesome location if you are visiting El Nido for Island Hopping Tours. Everything you need; restaurants, groceries, shops and money exchange within short walking distance. Breakfast was basic and good. Staff were helpful and welcoming. We didn't have any problems and we were satisfied with our stay there.
Sannreynd umsögn gests af Hotels.com