France is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world thanks to its excellent range of things to see and do. It’s one of Europe’s largest and oldest countries, so it naturally has a lot of history to explore in the shape of beautiful old castles and historical towns. On the other hand, many of the major towns along the Riviera keep pace with modern trends and have plenty to offer those looking for something fresh and different.

France is a place of quite surprising contrasts. The big cities like Paris, Lyon and Marseilles are lively and busy while the countryside is extremely quiet and peaceful. Coastal towns like Saint-Malo and La Rochelle are somewhere in between, with plenty of bustle in the summer months.

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Helstu sögur og fleira skemmtilegt

France - hvar er gott að gista?

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Europe - einnig vinsælt á svæðinu

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